458-C:1 Purpose. – The purpose of this chapter is to establish a uniform system to be used in the determination of the amount of child support, to minimize the economic consequences to children, and to comply with applicable federal law by using specific guidelines based on the following principles: I. Both parents shall share […]
458-C:2 Definitions. – In this chapter: I. "Adjusted gross income" means gross income, less: (a) Court-ordered or administratively ordered support actually paid to others, for adults or children. (b) Fifty percent of actual self-employment tax paid. (c) Mandatory, not discretionary, retirement contributions. (d) Actual state income taxes paid. (e) Amounts actually paid by the […]
458-C:3 Child Support Formula. – I. (a) The child support guidelines shall be based on the following: Percent of Combined Net Income Devoted to Child Support Net income 1 Child 2 Children 3 Children 4 or more Children %5B15,000 or less 25.6 percent 35.5 percent 42.5 percent 45 percent $25,000 25 35 42 44.5 […]
458-C:3-a Child Support Guidelines Worksheet. – At every hearing in which child support is involved, the party seeking the order shall file a child support guideline worksheet, as published by the department of health and human services, division of child support services, duly completed by either the party or attorney. The other party shall […]
458-C:4 Application of Guidelines. – I. Subject to the provisions of RSA 458-C:5, guidelines provided under this chapter shall be applied in all child support cases, including temporary orders, and in any order modifying a support order. II. There shall be a rebuttable presumption in any proceeding for the award of child support that […]
458-C:5 Adjustments to the Application of Guidelines Under Special Circumstances. – I. Special circumstances, including, but not limited to, the following, if raised by any party to the action or by the court, shall be considered in light of the best interests of the child and may result in adjustments in the application of […]
458-C:6 Review of Guidelines. – Not less than once every 4 years, the department of health and human services shall review the guidelines provided under this chapter in order to determine whether application of such guidelines results in the determination of appropriate child support award amounts. Upon completion of the review, the department of […]
458-C:7 Modification of Order. – I. (a) The obligor or obligee may apply to the court or, when the department of health and human services has issued a legal order of support pursuant to RSA 161-C, to the department, whichever issued the existing order, for modification of such order 3 years after the entry […]