Section 474:1 – “Owner” Defined.
474:1 "Owner" Defined. – The actual occupant of land shall be deemed the owner thereof for any purposes of this chapter. Source. RS 136:18. CS 142:18. GS 128:19. GL 142:19. PS 142:16. PL 219:16. RL 269:16.
474:1 "Owner" Defined. – The actual occupant of land shall be deemed the owner thereof for any purposes of this chapter. Source. RS 136:18. CS 142:18. GS 128:19. GL 142:19. PS 142:16. PL 219:16. RL 269:16.
474:2 Meeting of Owners. – When several owners of land agree to improve the same in one common field, any justice, on application of 2 or more owners, may call a meeting of such owners, and the majority of them, when met, may determine in what manner the common field shall be fenced. Source. […]
474:3 Assignment of Share. – The owners may assign to each owner the share of fence to be erected and maintained by him, and, such assignment being recorded in the town records, he and all succeeding occupants of his land shall be liable in relation thereto as if the same were a partition fence […]
474:4 Taxation. – Such owners may adopt bylaws for building and maintaining their common fence by a tax, and their officers, chosen in conformity to such bylaws, may assess and collect such taxes. Source. RS 136:22. CS 142:22. GS 128:23. GL 142:23. PS 143:25. PL 219:25. RL 269:25.
474:5 Renewing Bounds. – Owners of adjoining improved lands where there is no partition fence shall, once in every 5 years, run the lines and renew the bounds between them, and any such owner neglecting without sufficient excuse to attend and renew the bounds, upon 6 days’ previous notice given by any other such […]