193:1 Duty of Parent; Compulsory Attendance by Pupil. – I. A parent of any child at least 6 years of age and under 18 years of age shall cause such child to attend the public school to which the child is assigned in the child’s resident district. Such child shall attend full time when […]
193:1-a Dual Enrollment. – I. Notwithstanding any other provision of the law, the full-time attendance requirement may be met by attendance at more than one school provided the total time spent in the schools is equivalent to full-time attendance and further that the attendance at more than one school may include attendance at a […]
193:1-b Rulemaking Authority; Dual Enrollment Programs. – I. In order to accomplish the secular educational purposes of RSA 193:1-a, the state board of education shall adopt rules, pursuant to RSA 541-A and RSA 21-N:9, II(h), relative to: (a) Providing for shared or released time programs. (b) Leasing of space. (c) Requirements for optional services […]
193:1-c Access to Public School Programs by Nonpublic, Public Chartered Schools or Home Educated Pupils. – I. Nonpublic, public chartered school, or home educated pupils shall have access to curricular courses and cocurricular programs offered by the school district in which the pupil resides. The local school board shall adopt a policy regulating participation […]
193:10 Exception. – The provisions relating to illiterates and non-English-speaking persons over 16 years of age shall not apply to persons employed in cutting, harvesting or driving pulp-wood and timber, nor to persons temporarily employed in any sort of construction or agricultural work. Source. 1921, 85, III:7. PL 118:9. RL 137:9.
193:11 Disturbance. – Any person not a pupil who shall wilfully interrupt or disturb any school shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Source. GL 91:17. 1887, 15:1. PS 93:17. 1921, 85, III:8. PL 118:10. RL 137:10. RSA 193:11. 1973, 528:106, eff. Oct. 31, 1973 at 11:59 p.m.
193:12 Legal Residence Required. – I. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall attend school, or send a pupil to the school, in any district of which the pupil is not a legal resident, without the consent of the district or of the school board except as otherwise provided in this section […]
193:13 Suspension and Expulsion of Pupils. – I. (a) A superintendent or chartered public school director, or a representative designated in writing by the superintendent or chartered public school director, may suspend pupils from school for a period not to exceed 10 consecutive school days for: (1) Behavior that is detrimental to the health, […]
193:14 Repealed by 2017, 63:9, III, eff. Aug. 1, 2017. –
193:14-a Change of School Assignment; Duties of Board of Education. – The state board of education in conjunction with the department of education shall make available to local school boards information regarding the responsibilities of the local boards when parents request a change in school assignment. Such information shall include an explanation of local […]
193:15 Penalty for Unauthorized Attendance, etc. – Any pupil who, after notice, attends or visits a school which the pupil has no right to attend, or interrupts or disturbs such school, shall for the first offense be guilty of a violation, and shall for any subsequent offense be guilty of a misdemeanor. Source. 1849, […]
193:16 Bylaws as to Nonattendance. – Districts may make bylaws, not repugnant to law, concerning habitual truants and children between the ages of 6 and 18 years not attending school or who are not participating in an alternative learning plan under RSA 193:1, I(h), and to compel the attendance of such children at school; […]
193:17 Repealed by 1975, 502:15, eff. Aug. 28, 1975. –
193:18 Suspension of Sentence. – Any offender so convicted may give bond to the district in the sum of $25, with sufficient sureties, approved by the court or justice before whom such offender was convicted, conditioned to attend regularly a school assigned by the local school board for one term next ensuing, to comply […]
193:18-a, 193:18-b Repealed by 1981, 326:2, eff. Sept. 1, 1981. –
193:18-c Repealed by 1961, 250:2, eff. July 1, 1961. –
193:19 Purpose of Appropriations. – The sums appropriated under the provisions of this section shall be nonlapsing and continually appropriated for the sole purpose of contributing to the payment of board, room rent, books and supplies, at an institution of higher education, for veteran’s natural or adopted children between the ages of 16 and […]
193:2 Repealed by 1990, 279:5, eff. July 1, 1991. –
193:20 Tuition. – Children, as described in RSA 193:19, enrolled at a New Hampshire public institution of higher education shall receive free tuition. Source. 1943, 35:2. RSA 193:20. 1981, 409:3. 1987, 171:3. 2005, 97:2, eff. Aug. 7, 2005.
193:21 Payment. – The amounts payable to recipients shall be determined by the department of education, division of educator support and higher education. The higher education commission established in RSA 21-N:8-a shall determine the eligibility in accordance with rules adopted under RSA 541-A of the children who make application for the benefits provided for […]