199:1 Location and Construction by District. – The district may decide upon the location of its schoolhouses by vote or by a committee appointed for the purpose, provided, however, that all plans, specifications, and the selection of site for any new school buildings for any school district within the state shall be approved by […]
199:10 Notice of Hearing Upon Question of Location. – The chairman of the state board of education shall appoint a time and place within the district for a hearing upon every such petition, and shall give notice thereof by causing attested copies of the petition and order of notice to be posted at 2 […]
199:11 Repealed by 2008, 289:9, I, eff. Aug. 26, 2008. –
199:12 Hearing. – The hearing shall be closed within 60 days. The state board of education shall hear all parties interested who desire to be heard, and shall make a decision in writing and file it with the clerk of the district. Source. 1871, 4:2. GL 88:7. PS 91:8. 1921, 85, VII:12. PL 122:12. […]
199:13 Repealed by 2008, 289:9, II, eff. Aug. 26, 2008. –
199:14 Proceedings Pending. – The district shall take no steps to carry into effect a former location while any subsequent proceedings authorized by law for a change thereof are pending. Source. 1871, 4:2. GL 88:7. PS 91:9. 1921, 85, VII:13. PL 122:14. RL 141:14.
199:15 New Proceedings. – The location of schoolhouses, however made, shall be conclusive for the term of 5 years, unless an appeal therefrom shall be prosecuted as provided in this chapter. Source. GS 233:6. GL 43:6. PS 91:11. 1921, 85, VII:15. PL 122:15. RL 141:15.
199:16 Enlargement of Lot. – The school board may enlarge any existing lot used for school purposes upon such petition to it and proceedings thereon as are required to authorize it to determine the location for a schoolhouse. Source. 1872, 13:3. GL 88:10. 1877, 106:1. PS 91:12. 1921, 85, VII:16. PL 122:16. RL 141:16. […]
199:17 Taking Land. – If any school district shall neglect or refuse to procure the lot of land selected for the location of a schoolhouse, or for the enlargement of an existing schoolhouse lot, as provided in this chapter, or if the owner of the land shall refuse to sell the same to the […]
199:18 Appeal From Appraisal. – Any landowner aggrieved by such appraisal of his damages may appeal therefrom to the superior court by petition within 60 days after the appraisal is filed with the clerk of the district; and the procedure and remedies upon such appeal shall be the same as in appeals from the […]
199:19 Payment of Damages. – Upon payment or tender of the damages awarded, the land shall vest in the district, and it may take possession of it. Such payment or tender may be made in accordance with the award of the selectmen before an appeal is taken, or while an appeal is pending, and […]
199:19-a Record. – Whenever a school district shall take land for the location of a schoolhouse or for the enlargement of an existing schoolhouse lot as provided by RSA 199:17 the school district clerk shall forward to the registry of deeds for the county for filing where said land is located a copy of […]
199:2 Location in Cities. – The school board of cities shall have sole power to select and purchase land for schoolhouse lots. When said board has secured, by vote of the city councils, an adequate appropriation for the purchase of a specified lot at a specific price, said board may make the purchase. Source. […]
199:20 Neglect to Build, Etc. – If a district shall refuse or neglect to build, repair, remove or fit up a schoolhouse, or shall refuse or neglect to build a schoolhouse upon or to remove it to the lot designated as aforesaid, the selectmen, upon petition of 3 or more voters of the district, […]
199:21 Accommodations. – The schools of a district shall be kept in its schoolhouses, if it has suitable houses that will accommodate the scholars; if not, the school board shall provide suitable accommodations for the schools at the expense of the district. Source. RS 72:7. CS 76:8. GS 80:9. GL 88:15. PS 91:17. 1921, […]
199:22 Repealed by 2008, 289:9, III, eff. Aug. 26, 2008. –
199:22-a Use to Feed Elderly. – I. Any school board may operate or allow to be operated for the benefit of persons age 60 or over a meal program on school property including the use of school equipment. Such program may be operated on a profit basis and any surplus funds may be used […]
199:23 to 199:26 Repealed by 2008, 289:9, IV-VII, eff. Aug. 26, 2008. –
199:3 Construction in Cities; Joint Building Committees. – I. No schoolhouse shall be erected, altered, remodeled or changed in any city school district unless the plans have been previously submitted to the school board of that district and received its approval. II. (a) All construction relating to schoolhouses in any city school district shall […]
199:4 Transfer of Building. – I. Upon final completion of the new schoolhouse as determined by the joint building committee, the committee shall vote to accept the building and transfer it to the care and control of the school board. II. Whenever a schoolhouse shall no longer be needed for public school purposes, the […]