200-A:1 New England Higher Education Compact. – The governor on behalf of the State of New Hampshire is hereby authorized to execute a compact, in substantially the following form, with any one or more of the states of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations and Vermont, and the legislature hereby signifies in […]
200-A:10 Prospective Application of Repayment Provisions. – The provisions of RSA 200-A:7 and 8 shall apply only to recipients whose enrollment in medical school commenced in 1972 or any year thereafter. Any recipient under the provisions of this chapter whose enrollment in medical school commenced prior to 1972 may voluntarily make repayment to the […]
200-A:2 Effective Date. – When the governor shall have executed said compact on behalf of this state and shall have caused a verified copy to be filed with the secretary of state, and when said compact shall have been ratified by one or more of the states named in RSA 200-A:1, then said compact […]
200-A:3 Membership of Board. – There shall be 8 resident members from New Hampshire on the New England Board of Higher Education as provided in article II of the compact. One of such resident members shall always be the chancellor of the university system. The second resident member shall be the director of the […]
200-A:4 Appropriations. – The state of New Hampshire may biennially appropriate funds for the purpose of contributing to the operational costs at colleges and universities of qualified and accepted New Hampshire residents, pursuant to regional and/or reciprocal agreements and arrangements in the educational field as executed and approved by the New England Board of […]
200-A:5 Certification to Department of Education. – The New England Board of Higher Education shall certify to the department of education, division of educator support and higher education on or before October 1 of the year preceding each legislative session the amounts needed to carry out the purposes of RSA 200-A:4 for the coming […]
200-A:6 Payments From Funds. – The amount that may be or may become due to any college, university, or institution shall be payable by the state treasurer to such institution from funds appropriated for carrying out the purposes hereof upon certification by the New England Board of Higher Education. Said board, before approving such […]
200-A:7 Qualification Requirements. – Financial assistance under this chapter shall be granted only to those New Hampshire residents who agree to repay the state for such sums as are expended in their behalf. An interest free note for repayment hereunder shall be signed and be enforceable in an action for debt. It shall not […]
200-A:8 Enforcement. – The department of education, division of educator support and higher education is authorized to enforce the collection of accounts that become due under the loan provisions of this chapter. Source. 1972, 60:75. 1977, 600:22, III, eff. July 1, 1977. 2011, 224:136, eff. July 1, 2011. 2018, 315:25, eff. Aug. 24, 2018.
200-A:9 Repayment of Funds by Medical Students. – The department of education, division of educator support and higher education shall prepare a note for signature of any medical student who is a recipient hereunder. The note shall be in an amount that equals the amount paid by the state treasurer for their respective enrollment. […]