202-A:25 Detaining Books. – Any person who willfully detains any book, newspaper, magazine, manuscript, pamphlet, publication, recording, film, or other property belonging to or in the care of any gallery or museum of any state, public, school, college, or other institutional library, may be given written notice to return it, which shall bear upon […]
202-A:3 Establishment. – Any town may establish a public library by majority vote at any duly warned town meeting. Any town may vote in the same manner to accept a public library which has been provided, in whole or in part, by private donation or bequest and may accept any bequest, devise or donation […]
202-A:3-a Records and Meetings Subject to Right-to-Know Law. – A public library established or accepted by a town or city shall be deemed a "public agency," and the library trustees a "public body," for purposes of RSA 91-A, and they shall be subject to all applicable provisions of that chapter; provided, however, that any […]
202-A:4 Maintenance. – Any city or town having a public library shall annually raise and appropriate a sum of money sufficient to provide and maintain adequate public library service therein or to supplement funds otherwise provided. Source. 1895, 118:1-8. 1917, 59:1. PL 10:51. 1927, 82:2. 1933, 60:1. RL 15:51. RSA 202:2. 1963, 46:1, eff. […]
202-A:4-a Cooperatives. – Any public library may join library cooperatives consisting of public libraries, or of public and other than public libraries including school, college and university, and special libraries. Towns are authorized to raise and appropriate sufficient money for participation in cooperatives. Source. 1981, 499:4, eff. Aug. 28, 1981.
202-A:4-b Contracts for Services. – Any town may contract with another town or city, or with an institution or other organization, for any library service. If a town meeting votes to enter into such a contract, the town shall raise and appropriate sufficient money to carry out the contract. Source. 1981, 499:4, eff. Aug. […]
202-A:4-c Trustees’ Authority to Accept and Expend Gifts. – I. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, any town at an annual meeting may adopt an article authorizing indefinitely until specific rescission of such authority, the public library trustees to apply for, accept and expend, without further action by the town meeting, […]
202-A:4-d Acceptance of Personal Property Donated to Libraries. – I. Any town at an annual meeting may adopt an article authorizing the public library trustees to accept gifts of personal property, other than money, which may be offered to the library for any public purpose, and such authorization shall remain in effect until rescinded […]
202-A:5 Status. – Every public library shall remain forever free to the use of every resident of the town wherein it is located. Source. 1891, 62:3, 4, 5. 1917, 59:1. PL 10:50. RL 15:50. RSA 202:1. 1963, 46:1, eff. July 1, 1963.
202-A:6 Library Trustees; Election; Alternates. – The library trustees shall have the entire custody and management of the public library and of all the property of the town relating thereto, including appropriations held pursuant to RSA 202-A:11, III, but excepting trust funds held by the town. Any town having a public library shall, at […]
202-A:7 Special Provisions. – In any town where a public library has been acquired by the town, in whole or in part, by donation or bequest containing other conditions or provisions for the election of its trustees or other governing board, which conditions have been agreed to by vote of the town and which […]
202-A:8 City Trustees. – The trustees of a public library in a city shall be elected as provided in the city charter. In case of trustees of a city library acquired by a city in whole or in part, by donation or bequest containing other conditions or provisions for the election or appointment of […]
202-A:9 Repealed by 1979, 410:2, XX, eff. July 1, 1979. –