270-E:5 Registration Fees. – I. The registration fees for commercial, private, and pleasure vessels, including rentals and airboats shall be as follows: (a) Up to and including 16 feet $24 (b) 16.1 feet to 21 feet $34 (c) 21.1 feet to 30 feet $52 (d) 30.1 feet to 45 feet $72 (e) 45.1 feet […]
270-E:6 Exemption From Registration Fees. – Although required to register under RSA 270-E:3, vessels owned or operated by the state or any subdivision thereof shall be exempt from registration fees. Source. 1990, 229:1, eff. Jan. 1, 1991.
270-E:6-a Navigation Safety Fund. – There is established the navigation safety fund which shall be nonlapsing and continually appropriated to the department of safety, division of state police. The state treasurer may invest moneys in the fund as provided by law and all interest received on such investment shall be credited to the fund. […]
270-E:7 Disposition of Revenues. – I. Except as provided in paragraph II, all fines collected under this chapter and the amount of fees generated by RSA 270-E:5, I and III shall be deposited in the navigation safety fund established under RSA 270-E:6-a. II. All fees collected under RSA 270-E:5, I and III for vessels […]
270-E:8 Display of Numbers Required. – I. Every vessel required to be registered in this state shall display the vessel numbers issued to the vessel as part of the registration process, unless the vessel is exempt under the provisions of RSA 270-E:9. II. The owner shall paint on, attach or otherwise display to each […]
270-E:9 Exemptions From Displaying Numbers. – I. A vessel shall not be required to display a number under this chapter if it is: (a) Covered by a certificate of numbers in full force and effect which has been issued to it pursuant to federal law or a federally approved numbering system of another state. […]