329-B:1 Purpose; Application. – The purpose of this chapter is to regulate the practice of psychology by practitioners in New Hampshire to assure that the services provided are of a quality consistent with the standard of care within the profession, and to safeguard the public against harm which may be caused by untrained, unskilled, […]
329-B:10 Board; Responsibilities and Rulemaking Authority. – The board shall adopt rules, pursuant to RSA 541-A, relative to: I. [Repealed.] II. Procedures for expedited licensure for applicants from other states who qualify under RSA 329-B:20. III. The qualifications of applicants in addition to those required by statute. IV. [Repealed.] V. How an applicant shall […]
329-B:10-a Completion of Survey; Rulemaking. – The board shall adopt rules, pursuant to RSA 541-A, requiring, as part of the license renewal process, completion by licensees of a survey or opt-out form provided by the office of rural health, department of health and human services, for the purpose of collecting data regarding the New […]
329-B:11 Receipts and Disbursements. – The board shall receive and account for all fees under the provisions of this chapter, and shall pay such moneys to be deposited in the office of professional licensure and certification fund. Source. 2012, 233:1, eff. July 1, 2013. 2017, 192:4, eff. July 1, 2017. 2018, 330:10, eff. July […]
329-B:12 Establishment of Fees. – I. There shall be a fee for an initial license. The license shall be renewed biennially on or before June 30 upon payment of a renewal fee. II. The board shall establish fees applicable to psychologists for review of applicants; reinstatement of license; inactive license status; reactivation of an […]
329-B:13 Records and Reports. – The board shall keep records of its proceedings and separate registers of all applications for licensure and all complaints filed against licensees in accordance with the retention policy established by the office of professional licensure and certification. Such records shall show information relative to the application or complaint and […]
329-B:14 Information on Sexual Misconduct. – The board shall inform all applicants for licensure under this chapter that the board deems sexual misconduct as provided in RSA 329-B:30 to be unethical, unprofessional, and dishonorable conduct subject to disciplinary action by the board. The board shall make available to all licensees, or persons applying for […]
329-B:14-a Criminal History Record Checks. – I. Every applicant for initial permanent licensure or reinstatement shall submit to the board a criminal history record release form, as provided by the New Hampshire division of state police, which authorizes the release of his or her criminal history record, if any, to the board. II. The […]
329-B:15 Psychologist License. – I. The board shall issue a psychologist license to any person who: (a) Has passed a satisfactory examination in psychology. (b) Has received the doctoral degree based on a program of studies, the content of which was primarily psychological, from a regionally accredited educational institution having a graduate program, or […]
329-B:15-a Licensed School Psychologist-Doctoral and Licensed School Psychologist-Specialist. – I. The board shall issue a license for the title of licensed school psychologist-doctoral to any person who has a doctoral degree in psychology and: (a) Is certified as a school psychologist by the New Hampshire department of education, bureau of credentialing; and (b) Has […]
329-B:16 Electronic Practice of Psychology, Telehealth, Telemedicine. – I. Telepsychology, telehealth, and telemedicine services, as provided by psychologists, include those psychology services that utilize electronic means, including audio, video, or other electronic media, to engage in visual or virtual presence in contemporaneous time. A New Hampshire tele-pass license shall be required for provision of […]
329-B:17 Unlawful Practice; Penalty. – I. Except as provided in RSA 329-B:20 and RSA 329-B:28, it shall be unlawful for any person to be engaged in psychology, licensed school psychology-doctoral, or licensed school psychology-specialist practice unless that person is licensed by the board or working under the direct supervision of a person licensed by […]
329-B:18 Injunction. – The board may request the attorney general to commence an action to enjoin the operation of any person engaged in practicing unlicensed psychology, licensed school psychology-doctoral, or licensed school psychology-specialist in violation of this chapter. Said action shall be filed in the superior court. Source. 2012, 233:1, eff. July 1, 2013. […]
329-B:19 Civil Claims. – Any person injured by the actions of a person engaged in the practice of unlicensed psychology, licensed school psychology-doctoral, or licensed school psychology-specialist in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter may bring a civil action to recover damages suffered by reason of the violations. Source. 2012, 233:1, […]
329-B:2 Definitions. – In this chapter: I. " Board " means the board of psychologists. II. " Board investigator " means the psychologist board member appointed by the board to oversee the professional conduct investigation committee and serve as a liaison between the board and that committee. III. " Client " or " patient […]
329-B:20 Temporary and Emergency Applicants From Other States. – Any psychologist, licensed school psychologist-doctoral, or licensed school psychologist-specialist practicing pursuant to this section shall conform his or her practice to the mandates of this chapter and the rules of the board. Any psychologist, licensed school psychologist-doctoral, or licensed school psychologist-specialist seeking to practice under […]
329-B:21 Disciplinary Action. – I. The board may, for just cause, undertake an investigation or disciplinary proceedings: (a) Upon its own initiative. (b) Upon referral from the advisory committee. (c) Upon written, signed, and sworn statement of any person which charges that a person licensed under this chapter has committed misconduct under paragraph II […]
329-B:22 Investigations and Complaints. – I. The board shall investigate possible misconduct by licensees and other matters within the scope of this chapter. Investigations may be conducted formally, after issuance of a board order setting forth the general scope of the investigation, or informally, after a board vote to seek additional information, without such […]
329-B:23 Hearings. – I. Any complaint not dismissed or settled informally shall be heard by the board. Such hearing shall be an open public hearing. Any member of the board shall have the authority to preside at such a hearing and to issue oaths or affirmations to witnesses. II. The board shall furnish the […]
329-B:24 Temporary Suspension Where Imminent Threat. – In cases involving imminent danger to life or health, the board may order suspension of a license pending hearing for a period of not more than 90 days. In such cases, the basis for the board’s finding of imminent danger to life or health shall be reduced […]