332-B:1 Definitions. – When used in this chapter, these words and phrases shall be defined as follows: I. "Animal" means any animal other than man and includes fowl, birds, fish, and reptiles, wild or domestic, living or dead. I-a. "AVMA" means the American Veterinary Medical Association. II. "Veterinary medicine" means and includes veterinary surgery, […]
332-B:1-a Purpose. – The purpose of the board of veterinary medicine is to promote public health, safety, and welfare by safeguarding the people of New Hampshire against incompetent, unscrupulous, and unauthorized persons and from unprofessional or illegal practices by persons licensed to practice veterinary medicine. The right to practice veterinary medicine is a privilege […]
332-B:10 Examinations. – The board shall hold at least one examination during each year and may hold such additional examinations as are necessary. The board shall give public notice of the time and place for each examination at least 90 days in advance of the date set for the examination. A person desiring to […]
332-B:11 Reciprocity. – I. The board may issue a license without examination to a person who: (a) Is a graduate of an accredited school of veterinary medicine and holds a current license in good standing in another state, U.S. territory, or province of Canada; or is a graduate of an unapproved veterinary school outside […]
332-B:12 Temporary Permit. – The board may issue without examination a temporary permit to practice veterinary medicine in this state to any person who is a graduate of a veterinary college recognized as provided for in RSA 332-B:9 for a period not to exceed one year, providing that the person write the next available […]
332-B:13 License Renewal and Lapse. – I. The procedure and timeframe for license renewals shall be as described in RSA 310-A:1-h. Persons previously licensed who allow their license to lapse shall be required to file a reinstatement application containing such information as required by the board. Persons who have allowed their license to lapse […]
332-B:14 Disciplinary Action; Civil Penalty. – I. The board may undertake disciplinary proceedings: (a) Upon its own initiative; or (b) Upon written complaint of any person which charges that a person licensed by the board has committed misconduct under paragraph II and which specifies the grounds therefor. II. Misconduct sufficient to support disciplinary proceedings […]
332-B:15 Investigations. – I. The board may investigate possible misconduct by licensees, permittees, certificate holders, and applicants, and other matters included in this chapter. Investigations may be conducted with or without the issuance of a board order setting forth the general scope of the investigation. Board investigations and any information obtained by the board […]
332-B:15-a Emergency Suspension. – I. The board may immediately suspend a veterinarian’s license if the board determines that the public health, safety, or welfare requires emergency action. II. If the board suspends a license under this section, the licensee shall be provided a hearing within 10 days of the effective date of suspension. A […]
332-B:16 Hearing, Decisions, and Appeals. – I. Adjudicatory proceedings shall be open to the public. The board’s public docket file for each such proceeding shall include a taped or written account of all oral hearings and shall be retained by the board in accordance with the retention policy established by the office of professional […]
332-B:16-a Immunity From Civil Action. – No civil action shall be maintained against the board or any member thereof, or any agent or employee of the board, with regard to any action or activity in the performance of any duty or authority established by this chapter. Nor shall any civil action be maintained against […]
332-B:17 Reinstatement Applications. – Persons whose licenses have lapsed for 5 or more years due to nonrenewal shall not again be licensed without filing an application for reinstatement which contains such information as the board may by rule require for the purpose of determining whether the applicant retains the level of professional qualifications expected […]
332-B:18 Practice by Corporations Prohibited. – No corporation shall, except in the manner permitted by RSA 294-A, engage in the practice of, or hold itself out to the public or advertise as being entitled to engage in the practice of veterinary medicine, in any manner or as being entitled to do so, by or […]
332-B:19 Enforcement. – I. Any person who shall practice veterinary medicine without a currently valid license or temporary permit shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and each act of such unlawful practice shall constitute a distinct and separate offense. II. No person who shall practice veterinary medicine without a currently valid license or temporary […]
332-B:2 License Required and Exceptions. – Except as provided in RSA 332-B:9, no person may practice veterinary medicine in the state who is not a licensed veterinarian or the holder of a valid temporary permit issued by the board. This chapter shall not be construed to prohibit: I. An employee of the federal, state, […]
332-B:20 Animal Physical Therapy Certification. – I. Any physical therapist practicing physical therapy on any animal shall meet the requirements of this section and any additional requirements set by the board of veterinarians pursuant to RSA 332-B:7-a, XIV and shall be certified by the board of veterinary medicine. II. Before treating an animal, an […]
332-B:3 Board; Compensation. – I. There shall be a board of veterinary medicine consisting of 7 members: 5 veterinarians, the state veterinarian, and one public member. The members, other than the state veterinarian, shall be appointed by the governor, with the approval of the council, to a term of 5 years, and until a […]
332-B:3-a Temporary Member. – The president or acting president of the board is authorized to appoint an additional person or persons to sit on a temporary or emergency basis at any hearing at which one or more board members is absent, so long as each person so chosen has in the past served as […]
332-B:4 Qualifications. – I. A veterinarian shall be qualified to serve as a member of the board if the person is a graduate of a veterinary school, a resident of this state, and has been licensed to practice veterinary medicine in this state for the 5 years preceding the time of appointment. II. The […]
332-B:5 Meetings and Duties. – The board shall meet at least 6 times a year at the time and place fixed by rule of the board. Other necessary meetings may be called by the president of the board by giving notice as may be required by rule. The quorum and the actions of the […]