362-F:1 Purpose. – Renewable energy generation technologies can provide fuel diversity to the state and New England generation supply through use of local renewable fuels and resources that serve to displace and thereby lower regional dependence on fossil fuels. This has the potential to lower and stabilize future energy costs by reducing exposure to […]
362-F:10 Renewable Energy Fund. – I. There is hereby established a renewable energy fund. This nonlapsing special fund shall be continually appropriated to the department of energy to be expended in accordance with this section; provided that at the start of the period in which there is no adopted state operating budget, the department […]
362-F:11 Application. – I. The department of energy, in a non-adjudicative process, shall certify the classification of an existing or proposed generation facility by issuing a determination within 45 days of receiving from an applicant sufficient information to determine its classification. The application shall contain the following: (a) Name and address of applicant. (b) […]
362-F:12 Verification of Emissions From Biomass Sources. – Any source seeking to qualify using an eligible biomass technology shall verify emissions in accordance with the following methods: I. For nitrogen oxide emissions, the source shall install and operate a continuous emissions monitor that meets departmental standards as codified in rules. II. For particulate matter […]
362-F:13 Rulemaking. – The department of energy shall adopt rules, under RSA 541-A, to: I. Administer the electric renewable portfolio standard program including the development of an alternative to the regional generation information system to the extent necessary. II. Ascertain, monitor, and enforce compliance with the program to the extent not addressed in the […]
362-F:14 Phase-In for Existing Supply Contract Load. – The increases in the annual purchase percentages in RSA 362-F:3 as compared to those in effect as of January 1, 2012 shall apply to the electrical load under any electrical power supply contracts for a term of years entered into by providers of electricity prior to […]
362-F:15 Exemption Period for Certain Electrical Supply Contracts. – I. The increases in the annual purchase percentages in RSA 362-F:3 applicable to class II for 2018 and thereafter as compared to the class II annual purchase percentages in effect as of January 1, 2017, shall not apply to the megawatt-hours delivered during the contract […]
362-F:2 Definitions. – In this chapter: I. " Begun operation " means the date that a facility, or a capital addition thereto, for the purpose of repowering to renewable energy is first placed in service for purposes of the implementing regulations of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. II. " Biomass fuels […]
362-F:3 Minimum Electric Renewable Portfolio Standards. – For each year specified in the table below, each provider of electricity shall obtain and retire certificates sufficient in number and class type to meet or exceed the following percentages of total megawatt-hours of electricity supplied by the provider to its end-use customers that year, except to […]
362-F:3-a Exclusions to the Amount of Electricity Supplied. – If a provider of electricity has revenue grade meter data on the quantity of exports to the grid from a qualifying storage system as defined in RSA 362-A:1-a to the extent that it is charged from the grid, such amounts may be deducted from the […]
362-F:4 Electric Renewable Energy Classes. – I. Class I (New) shall include the production of electricity or useful thermal energy from any of the following, provided the source began operation after January 1, 2006, except as noted below: (a) Wind energy. (b) Geothermal energy, if the geothermal energy output is in the form of […]
362-F:5 Department of Energy Review and Report. – Commencing in January 2011, 2018, and 2025 the department of energy shall conduct a review of the class requirements in RSA 362-F:3 and other aspects of the electric renewable portfolio standard program established by this chapter. Thereafter, the department of energy shall make a report of […]
362-F:6 Renewable Energy Certificates. – I. The electric renewable portfolio standard program established in this chapter shall utilize the regional generation information system (GIS) of energy certificates administered by ISO-New England and the New England Power Pool (NEPOOL) or their successors. If the regional GIS certificate tracking program administered by the ISO-New England is […]
362-F:7 Sale, Exchange, and Use of Certificates. – I. A certificate may be sold or otherwise exchanged by the source to which it was initially issued or by any other person or entity that acquires the certificate. A certificate may only be used once for compliance with the requirements of this chapter. It may […]
362-F:8 Information Collection. – I. By July 1 of each year, each provider of electricity shall submit a report to the department of energy, in a form approved by the department of energy, documenting its compliance with the requirements of this chapter for the prior year. The department of energy may investigate compliance and […]
362-F:9 Purchased Power Agreements. – I. Upon the request of one or more electric distribution companies and after notice and hearing, the department of energy may authorize such company or companies to enter into multi-year purchase agreements with renewable energy sources for certificates, in conjunction with or independent of purchased power agreements from such […]