407:3 Other Material Required. – I. There shall be printed at the head of said policy the name of the insurer or insurers issuing the policy, the location of the home office thereof, a statement whether said insurer or insurers are stock or mutual corporations or are Lloyd’s underwriters; and the insurer or insurers […]
407:4 Change of Arrangement. – The insurance commissioner is authorized to change the shape, size and general arrangement of the Standard Fire Policy as he may think the public good requires. Source. 1959, 163:1, eff. Jan. 1, 1960.
407:5 Combination Form. – Two or more insurers authorized to do in this state the business of fire insurance, may, with the approval of the insurance commissioner, issue a combination standard form of fire policy which shall contain the following provisions: I. A provision substantially to the effect that the insurers executing such policy […]
407:6 Temporary Insurance. – Binders or other contracts for temporary insurance may be made, orally or in writing, and shall be deemed to include all the terms of such Standard Fire Policy and all such applicable endorsements as may be designated in such contract of temporary insurance; except that the cancellation clause of such […]
407:7 Forms for Other Insurance. – Appropriate forms of other contracts or endorsements, insuring against one or more of the perils incident to the ownership, use or occupancy of said property, other than fire and lightning, which the insurer is empowered to assume, may be used in connection with the Standard Fire Policy. Such […]
407:8 Use of Forms. – A copy of the forms or endorsements providing coverage to be used with the Standard Fire Policy shall be filed with the insurance commissioner. The commissioner is given authority to disapprove any such form if he shall find it to be unfair or inequitable or if it does not […]
407:9 Descriptions Not Warranties. – Descriptions of property and statements concerning its value and the title of the insured thereto in an application for insurance or in an insurance policy shall not be treated as warranties. Source. 1959, 163:1, eff. Jan. 1, 1960.