170 – Short Title.
§ 170. Short title. This article shall be known as the caustic poison law.
§ 170. Short title. This article shall be known as the caustic poison law.
§ 171. Definitions. 1. The term “dangerous caustic or corrosive substance” means each and all of the acids, alkalis, and substances named below: (a) hydrochloric acid and any preparation containing free or chemically unneutralized hydrochloric acid (HCI) in a concentration of ten per centum or more; (b) sulphuric acid and any preparation containing free or […]
§ 172. Provisions governing sale and distribution. No person shall hereafter sell, barter, or exchange, or receive, hold, pack, display, or offer for sale, barter, or exchange, any dangerous caustic or corrosive substance in a misbranded parcel, package, or container, said parcel, package, or container being designed for household use; provided, that household products for […]
§ 172-a. Injunction proceedings; when authorized. Any dangerous caustic or corrosive substance in a misbranded parcel, package, or container suitable for household use, that is being sold, bartered, or exchanged, or held, displayed, or offered for sale, barter, or exchange, shall be liable to be proceeded against by action for injunction in the supreme court […]
§ 172-b. Enforcement of article. The state department of agriculture and markets shall enforce the provisions of this article, and it is hereby authorized and empowered to approve and register such brands and labels intended for use under the provisions of this article as may be submitted to it for that purpose and as may […]
§ 172-c. Penalties for violations. Any person violating the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not more than two hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for not more than ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of […]
§ 172-d. Prosecutions for penalties. The state department of agriculture and markets and each district attorney to whom there is presented, or who in any way procures, satisfactory evidence of any violation of the provisions of this article shall cause appropriate proceedings to be commenced and prosecuted in the proper courts, without delay, for the […]
§ 172-e. Construction of article. This article is not to be construed as applying to any substance, subject to this article, sold at wholesale or retail for use by a retail druggist in filling, or in dispensing in pursuance of, a prescription by a physician, dentist or veterinarian; or for use by or under the […]