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Home » US Law » 2022 New York Laws » Consolidated Laws » AGM - Agriculture and Markets » Article 20-C - Licensing of Food Processing Establishments

251-Z-1 – Declaration of Policy and Purpose.

§ 251-z-1. Declaration of policy and purpose. The general purposes of this article are to assure that foods processed in New York state and offered for sale for human consumption are pure and wholesome and that the food processing establishments, in which such foods are manufactured or processed, conform to proper operating and sanitary standards.

251-Z-10 – Penalties.

§ 251-z-10. Penalties. No operator of a food processing establishment shall fail to conform to any requirement of or violate any provision of this article or of the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder. Each day’s operation of a food processing establishment without a license shall constitute a separate violation of this article, punishable by the […]

251-Z-11 – Remedies.

§ 251-z-11. Remedies. The commissioner may institute such action at law or in equity as may be necessary to enforce compliance with any provision of this article or of any rule or regulation applicable thereto or promulgated thereunder. In addition to any other remedy prescribed in article three of this chapter, or otherwise, he may […]

251-Z-12 – Food Safety Education.

§ 251-z-12. Food safety education. 1. Every retail food store licensed under this article shall have an individual in a position of management or control assigned to it who has been issued a certificate of completion from an approved food safety education program. Individuals who have completed a food safety education program pursuant to this […]

251-Z-13 – Severability.

§ 251-z-13. Severability. If any provision of this article or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the article which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this article are declared […]

251-Z-2 – Definitions.

§ 251-z-2. Definitions. 1. The terms “food” and “food products” shall include all articles of food, drink, confectionery or condiment, whether simple, mixed or compound, used or intended for use by man and shall also include all substances or ingredients to be added to food for any purpose. 2. “Person” shall mean any individual, corporation, […]

251-Z-3 – Licenses; Fees.

§ 251-z-3. Licenses; fees. No person shall maintain or operate a food processing establishment unless licensed biennially by the commissioner. Application for a license to operate a food processing establishment shall be made, upon a form prescribed by the commissioner. A renewal application shall be submitted to the commissioner at least thirty days prior to […]

251-Z-4 – Exemptions.

§ 251-z-4. Exemptions. In addition to the exemptions specified in subdivision three of section two hundred fifty-one-z-two, the commissioner may, if he determines that the protection of the consumers of the state as a whole will not be impaired by such action, provide by regulation for exemption from licensing of small food processing establishments when […]

251-Z-5 – Granting, Suspending or Revoking Licenses.

§ 251-z-5. Granting, suspending or revoking licenses. The commissioner may decline to grant a new license, may decline to renew a license, may suspend or revoke a license already granted after due notice and opportunity for hearing whenever he finds that: (1) Any statement contained in an application for license is or was false or […]

251-Z-6 – Review.

§ 251-z-6. Review. The action of the commissioner in refusing to grant or reissue a license, or in suspending or revoking a license, shall be subject to review in the manner provided by article seventy-eight of the civil practice law and rules. The decision of the commissioner shall be final unless within thirty days from […]

251-Z-7 – Records to Be Kept by Licensee.

§ 251-z-7. Records to be kept by licensee. Every operator of a food processing establishment shall keep, in such form as the commissioner shall approve, such records as may be required by the commissioner pursuant to rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to this article.

251-Z-8 – Power of Commissioner to Investigate.

§ 251-z-8. Power of commissioner to investigate. The commissioner and his duly authorized representatives in the performance of his licensing and inspection duties under this article shall have access to and may enter at all reasonable hours all places where food or food products are being manufactured, packaged, processed or stored, or where food or […]

251-Z-9 – Rules and Regulations.

§ 251-z-9. Rules and regulations. The commissioner is hereby authorized, after public hearing, to adopt, amend, promulgate and issue rules and regulations, including, but not limited to regulations prescribing good manufacturing practices and requiring records relating to processing data and food distribution patterns, food safety education programs and requirements, and such other regulations as he […]