§ 105-c. Temporary emergency. The present losses to livestock in certain areas of the state resulting from the disease in animals known as rabies threaten to impair the agricultural economy of the communities affected. This article is enacted in the exercise of the police power and its purposes generally are to protect the public welfare. […]
§ 105-d. Indemnification for rabies. Each county shall be liable for damages resulting within the county to domestic animals from the disease known as rabies and indemnification therefor shall be made in the manner provided by this article. The term “domestic animals” as used in this article shall mean domesticated sheep, horses, cattle, swine and […]
§ 105-e. Damage appraisal and report. The owner of a domestic animal which has died as a result of rabies shall immediately upon discovery thereof notify any assessor of the city or town where the death occurred of the fact thereof, and that he claims indemnity therefor, and requires that the damages be determined. Such […]
§ 105-f. Review by commissioner. If the claimant desires to appeal the county treasurer’s disapproval of his claim or if he is dissatisfied with the amount of the damage as set forth in the assessor’s report, he may, within ten days after the receipt of the report, present to the commissioner a request for a […]
§ 105-g. Review by court. The decision of the commissioner may be reviewed by the claimant or the county treasurer in the manner provided by article seventy-eight of the civil practice law and rules, but such review must be instituted within twenty days after receipt of the commissioner’s decision, otherwise the commissioner’s decision shall be […]
§ 105-h. Payment to claimant by county. If the decision of the commissioner increases or decreases the amount to be paid to the claimant above or below the amount originally approved by the county treasurer, the county treasurer shall, upon receipt of the commissioner’s decision, adjust the county’s share in accordance therewith. Upon receipt of […]
§ 105-i. Partial reimbursement by state. Each county shall be entitled to partial reimbursement by the state for payments by the county of indemnification on account of damages resulting from rabies as provided in this article, to the extent of fifty per centum of the amount of its approved expenditures for such indemnification. Not later […]
§ 105-j. Enforcement of article. The commissioner shall supervise the enforcement of this article. It shall be unlawful for any officer to neglect or refuse to perform his duties under the provisions of this article and such neglect or refusal shall be cause for his removal from office.