§ 125. General prohibitions and restrictions. 1. No person shall cultivate, process, distribute for sale or sell at wholesale or retail or deliver to consumers any cannabis, cannabis product, medical cannabis or cannabinoid hemp or hemp extract product within the state without obtaining the appropriate registration, license, or permit therefor required by this chapter unless […]
§ 126. License to be confined to premises licensed; premises for which no license shall be granted; transporting cannabis. 1. A registration, license, or permit issued to any person, pursuant to this chapter, for any registered, licensed, or permitted premises shall not be transferable to any other person, to any other location or premises, or […]
§ 127. Protections for the use of cannabis; unlawful discriminations prohibited. 1. No person, registered organization, licensee or permittee, employees, or their agents shall be subject to arrest, prosecution, or penalty in any manner, or denied any right or privilege, including but not limited to civil liability or disciplinary action by a business or occupational […]
§ 128. Permits, registrations and licenses. 1. No permit, registration or license shall be transferable or assignable except that notwithstanding any other provision of law, the permit, registration or license of a sole proprietor converting to corporate form, where such proprietor becomes the sole stockholder and only officer and director of such new corporation, may […]
§ 129. Laboratory testing permits. 1. The board shall approve and permit one or more independent cannabis testing laboratories to test medical cannabis, adult-use cannabis and/or cannabinoid hemp or hemp extract. 2. To be permitted as an independent cannabis laboratory, a laboratory must apply to the office, on a form and in a manner prescribed […]
§ 130. Special use permits. The board shall have the authority to issue temporary permits for carrying on activities consistent with the policy and purpose of this chapter with respect to cannabis. No special use permit shall extend for a period longer than ninety days and shall not be renewable, except where a permit is […]
§ 131. Local opt-out; municipal control and preemption. 1. The licensure and establishment of a retail dispensary license and/or on-site consumption license under the provisions of article four of this chapter authorizing the retail sale of adult-use cannabis to cannabis consumers shall not be applicable to a town, city or village which, after the effective […]
§ 131-a. Office to be necessary party to certain proceedings. The office shall be made a party to all actions and proceedings affecting in any manner the possession, ownership or transfer of a registration, license or permit to operate within a municipality and to all such injunction proceedings.
§ 132. Penalties for violation of this chapter. 1. (a) Any person who cultivates for sale or sells cannabis, cannabis products, medical cannabis, or any product marketed or labeled as such, without having an appropriate registration, license or permit therefor, including a person whose registration, license, or permit has been revoked, surrendered or cancelled, where […]
§ 133. Revocation of registrations, licenses and permits for cause; procedure for revocation or cancellation. 1. Any registration, license or permit issued pursuant to this chapter may be revoked, cancelled, suspended and/or subjected to the imposition of a civil penalty for cause. 2. There shall be a rebuttable presumption of revocation for the following causes: […]
§ 134. Lawful actions pursuant to this chapter. 1. Contracts related to the operation of registered organizations, licenses and permits under this chapter shall be lawful and shall not be deemed unenforceable on the basis that the actions permitted pursuant to the registration, license or permit are prohibited by federal law. 2. The following actions […]
§ 135. Review by courts. An action by the board shall be subject to review by the supreme court in the manner provided in article seventy-eight of the civil practice law and rules including, but not limited to: (a) Refusal by the board to issue a registration, license, or a permit. (b) The revocation, cancellation […]
§ 136. Illicit cannabis. 1. “Illicit cannabis” means and includes any cannabis flower, concentrated cannabis and cannabis product on which any tax required to have been paid under any applicable state law, has not been paid. Illicit cannabis shall not include any cannabis lawfully possessed in accordance with this chapter or the penal law. 2. […]
§ 137. Persons forbidden to traffic cannabis; certain officials not to be interested in manufacture or sale of cannabis products. 1. The following are forbidden to traffic in cannabis except in extraordinary circumstances as determined by the board: (a) An individual who has been convicted of an offense related to the functions or duties of […]
§ 138. Access to criminal history information through the division of criminal justice services. In connection with the administration of this chapter, the board is authorized to request, receive and review criminal history information through the division of criminal justice services with respect to any person seeking a registration, license, permit or authorization to cultivate, […]
§ 138-a. Action for unlawful business practices relating to cannabis. The board or the office of cannabis management shall, in accordance with the authority otherwise conferred in this chapter, have the authority to: 1. order any person who is unlawfully cultivating, processing, distributing or selling cannabis, cannabis product, cannabinoid hemp or hemp extract product, or […]
§ 139. Severability. If any provision of this chapter or application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of this chapter that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this chapter are declared severable.