130 – Constitutionality.
§ 130. Constitutionality. If any portion of this chapter shall be declared unconstitutional for any reason, the remaining portions shall not be affected thereby.
§ 130. Constitutionality. If any portion of this chapter shall be declared unconstitutional for any reason, the remaining portions shall not be affected thereby.
§ 131. Laws repealed. Chapter two hundred and thirty-one of the laws of nineteen hundred and twenty-six, entitled “An act relating to cooperative corporations, constituting chapter seventy-seven of the consolidated laws,” and all acts amendatory thereof, are hereby repealed.
§ 132. Existing actions. Any action or proceeding begun before this chapter takes effect, under or pursuant to any section, article or act repealed by this chapter, may be conducted and completed in the manner provided thereby.
§ 133. Existing cooperative corporations or associations. A cooperative corporation or association heretofore formed under or subject to a law repealed by this chapter or under article three of the business corporations law heretofore repealed, shall continue under and be subject to the provisions of this chapter as if incorporated hereunder; but all rights of […]
§ 134. When to take effect. This act shall take effect immediately.