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Home » US Law » 2022 New York Laws » Consolidated Laws » DCD - Debtor and Creditor » Article 7 - Trustees for Insolvent and Imprisoned Debtors

160 – Trustees for Creditors.

§ 160. Trustees for creditors. All trustees, appointed under any authority, conferred by articles three, four and five of this chapter, in the several cases therein contemplated, are hereby declared to be trustees of the estate of the debtor, in relation to whose property they shall be appointed, for the benefit of his creditors; and […]

161 – Sole Trustee.

§ 161. Sole trustee. When one trustee only shall be appointed, all the provisions herein contained, in reference to several trustees, shall apply to him.

162 – Two or More Trustees.

§ 162. Two or more trustees. When there are more trustees than one appointed, the debts and property of the debtor may be collected and received by any one of them; and when there are more than two trustees appointed, every power and authority conferred by this chapter on the trustees, may be exercised by […]

163 – Death of Trustee; Survivor or Successor.

§ 163. Death of trustee; survivor or successor. The survivor or survivors of any trustee, shall have all the powers and rights given by this chapter to trustees. All property in the hands of any trustee at the time of his death, removal or incapacity, shall be delivered to the remaining trustee or trustees, if […]

164 – Trustees’ Oath.

§ 164. Trustees’ oath. Before proceeding to the discharge of any of their duties, all such trustees shall take and subscribe an oath, that they will well and truly execute the trust by their appointment reposed in them, according to the best of their skill and understanding; which oath shall be filed with the court […]

165 – Vesting of Property in Trustees.

§ 165. Vesting of property in trustees. The trustees taking such oath, shall be deemed vested with all the estate, real and personal, of such debtor, except such as is exempted by articles three, four and five from the execution of the assignment, in said articles directed.

166 – Powers of Trustees.

§ 166. Powers of trustees. The said trustees shall have power: 1. To sue in their own names or otherwise, and recover all the estate, debts and things in action, belonging or due to such debtor, in the same manner and with the like effect as such debtor might or could have done if no […]

167 – Notice to Debtors, Bailees and Creditors.

§ 167. Notice to debtors, bailees and creditors. The trustees, immediately upon their appointment, shall give notice thereof for at least three weeks in a newspaper published in the county where application was made and therein shall require: 1. All persons indebted to such debtor, by a day and at a place therein to be […]

168 – Power to Sue Notwithstanding Notice.

§ 168. Power to sue notwithstanding notice. Notwithstanding any such notice, the trustees may sue for and recover, any property or effects of the debtor, and any debts due to him, at any time, before the day appointed for the delivery or payment thereof.

169 – Forfeiture for Failure to Comply With Notice.

§ 169. Forfeiture for failure to comply with notice. Every person indebted to such debtor, or having the possession or custody of any property or thing in action, belonging to him, who shall conceal the same, and not deliver a just and true account of such indebtedness, or not deliver such property or thing in […]

170 – Warrant on Withholding Account or Property.

§ 170. Warrant on withholding account or property. Whenever the trustees shall show by their own oath, or other competent proof, to the satisfaction of any judge of a county court, or in the county of New York any justice of the supreme court, that there is good reason to believe that the debtor, the […]

171 – Examination of Person Arrested.

§ 171. Examination of person arrested. The judge or justice issuing such warrant, shall examine every person so brought before him, on oath, in the presence of the trustees or any of them, touching all matters relative to the debtor, his dealings and estate, and touching the detention or concealment of any part of his […]

172 – Imprisonment for Contumacy.

§ 172. Imprisonment for contumacy. If any person so brought before such judge or justice, shall refuse to be sworn, or to answer satisfactorily, all lawful questions put to him, or shall refuse to sign the examination, not having a reasonable objection thereto, to be allowed by such judge or justice, the judge or justice […]

173 – No Discharge for Defects of Form.

§ 173. No discharge for defects of form. If any person so committed, shall bring a writ of habeas corpus, he shall not be discharged by reason of any insufficiency in the form of the warrant of commitment; but the court before whom such person shall be brought, shall re-commit such person, unless it shall […]

174 – Penalties for Connivance at Escape.

§ 174. Penalties for connivance at escape. Any sheriff, constable or jailer wilfully suffering any person so committed or re-committed, pursuant to the foregoing sections, to escape, on conviction thereof, in addition to any other punishment the court may inflict, shall forfeit to the trustees a sum equal to the whole amount of debts due […]

175 – Effect of Answers on Examination.

§ 175. Effect of answers on examination. The person so examined, and answering to the satisfaction of the court, shall not be liable to any penalty imposed for concealing and not delivering any property, or paying any debt; but his answers on such examination, may be given in evidence in the same manner, and with […]

176 – Reward to Informers.

§ 176. Reward to informers. Any person who shall discover to the trustees any secreted effects, property or things in action, belonging to such debtor, so that they shall be recovered by them, shall be entitled to ten dollars on the hundred dollars, and at that rate, on the value of the effects so discovered, […]

177 – Reference of Disputed Claims.

§ 177. Reference of disputed claims. If any controversy shall arise between the trustees and any other person in the settlement of any demands against such debtor, or of debts due his estate, the same may be referred to one or more indifferent persons, who may be agreed upon by the trustees and the party […]

178 – Application for Appointment of Referee.

§ 178. Application for appointment of referee. If such referee or referees be not selected by agreement, then the trustees or the other party to the controversy, provided no action at law is pending arising out of any such debts or demands, may serve a notice of their intention to apply to a judge of […]

179 – Appointment of Referee.

§ 179. Appointment of referee. On the day so specified, upon due proof of the service of such notice, the judge or justice before whom the application is made may in his discretion proceed to select one or more referees, the same in all respects as they are now selected according to the rules and […]