§ 6630. Definitions. As used in this article: 1. The term “perfusionist” means a person who is licensed to practice perfusion pursuant to this article. 2. The term “registered program” means a program for the education of perfusionists which has been registered by the department or determined by the department to be the substantial equivalent. […]
§ 6631. Practice of perfusion and use of title “licensed perfusionist”. Only a person licensed or exempt under this article shall practice perfusion. Only persons licensed as perfusionists may use the title “licensed perfusionist”.
§ 6632. Requirements for licensure as a perfusionist. To qualify for licensure as a “licensed perfusionist”, an applicant shall fulfill the following requirements: 1. Application: file an application with the department; 2. Education: a. has successfully completed a baccalaureate or higher degree in perfusion registered by the department, or the substantial equivalent as determined by […]
§ 6633. Special provisions. An individual who meets the requirements for a license as a licensed perfusionist except for examination, experience and education and who meets the requirements enumerated under subdivisions one or two of this section may be licensed without meeting additional requirements provided that such individual submits an application to the department within […]
§ 6634. State committee for perfusion. 1. A state committee for perfusion shall be appointed by the board of regents upon the recommendation of the commissioner as a committee of the board for medicine to advise solely in matters relating to perfusion and shall assist on matters of licensure and professional conduct. 2. The committee […]
§ 6635. Limited permits. 1. Eligibility. A person who fulfills all requirements for licensure as a perfusionist except that relating to the examination shall be eligible for a limited permit. 2. Limit of practice. A permittee shall be authorized to practice as a perfusionist only under the supervision of a licensed perfusionist and pursuant to […]
§ 6636. Exempt persons. This article shall not prohibit: 1. The practice of perfusion by any student who is engaged in clinical training in a general hospital licensed pursuant to article twenty-eight of the public health law or during the transport of patients or organs supported by extracorporeal or intracorporeal equipment and who is enrolled […]