7200 – Introduction.
§ 7200. Introduction. This article applies to the professions of engineering, land surveying and geology. The general provisions for all professions contained in article one hundred thirty of this title apply to this article.
§ 7200. Introduction. This article applies to the professions of engineering, land surveying and geology. The general provisions for all professions contained in article one hundred thirty of this title apply to this article.
§ 7201. Definition of practice of engineering. The practice of the profession of engineering is defined as performing professional service such as consultation, investigation, evaluation, planning, design or supervision of construction or operation in connection with any utilities, structures, buildings, machines, equipment, processes, works, or projects wherein the safeguarding of life, health and property is […]
§ 7202. Practice of engineering and use of title “professional engineer”. Only a person licensed or otherwise authorized under this article shall practice engineering or use the title “professional engineer”.
§ 7203. Definition of practice of land surveying. The practice of the profession of land surveying is defined as practicing that branch of the engineering profession and applied mathematics which includes the measuring and plotting of the dimensions and areas of any portion of the earth, including all naturally placed and man- or machine-made structures […]
§ 7204. Practice of land surveying and use of title “land surveyor”. Only a person licensed or otherwise authorized under this article shall practice land surveying or use the title “land surveyor”.
§ 7204-a. Definition of the profession of geology. The practice of the profession of geology is defined as performing professional service such as researching, investigating, consulting and geological mapping, describing the natural processes that act upon the earth’s materials, predicting the probable occurrence of natural resources, predicting and locating natural or human-induced phenomena which may […]
§ 7204-b. Practice of geology and the use of title “professional geologist”. Only a person licensed or otherwise authorized under this article shall practice geology or use the title “professional geologist”.
§ 7205. State board for engineering, land surveying and geology. A state board for engineering, land surveying and geology shall be appointed by the board of regents on recommendation of the commissioner for the purpose of assisting the board of regents and the department on matters of professional licensing and professional conduct in accordance with […]
§ 7206. Requirements for a license as a professional engineer. 1. To qualify for a license as a professional engineer an applicant shall fulfill the following requirements: (1) Application: file an application with the department; (2) Education: have received an education, including a bachelor’s or higher degree based on a program in engineering or the […]
§ 7206-a. Requirements for a license as a professional land surveyor. 1. To qualify for a license as a professional land surveyor, an applicant shall fulfill the following requirements: (1) Application: file an application with the department; (2) Education: have received an education, including a bachelor’s or higher degree based on a program in land […]
§ 7206-b. Requirements for a license as a professional geologist. 1. To qualify for a license as a professional geologist, an applicant shall fulfill the following requirements: (a) Application: file an application with the department; (b) Education: have received an education, including a bachelor’s or higher degree in geological sciences, in accordance with the commissioner’s […]
§ 7207. Limited permits. 1. On recommendation of the board, the department may issue a limited permit to practice engineering to an engineer not a resident of this state and having no established place of practice in this state who is legally qualified to practice as such in his own country or state and who […]
§ 7208. Exempt persons for the professions of engineering and land surveying. This article shall not be construed to affect or prevent the following, provided that no title, sign, card or device shall be used in such manner as to tend to convey the impression that the person rendering such service is a professional engineer […]
§ 7208-a. Exempt persons in or related to the profession of geology. Nothing in this article shall be construed to affect or prevent: 1. The employment and supervision of interns and other persons qualified by education or experience by professional geologists as assistants in the performance of geological services, or as consultants or employees in […]
§ 7209. Special provisions. 1. Every professional engineer, land surveyor and professional geologist shall have a seal, approved by the board, which shall contain the name of the professional engineer and the words “Licensed Professional Engineer”, the name of the land surveyor and the words “Licensed Land Surveyor” or the name of the professional geologist […]
§ 7210. Certificates of authorization. 1. Domestic or foreign professional service corporations, design professional service corporations, professional service limited liability companies, foreign professional service limited liability companies, registered limited liability partnerships, New York registered foreign limited liability partnerships, partnerships and joint enterprises specified in subdivision four of section seventy-two hundred nine of this article, provided […]
§ 7211. Mandatory continuing education for professional engineers, land surveyors and professional geologists. 1. (a) Each licensed professional required under this article to register triennially with the department to practice in this state shall comply with provisions of the mandatory continuing education requirements prescribed in subdivision two of this section except as set forth in […]