§ 8500. Introduction. This article applies to the practice of respiratory therapy and provides for the licensing of respiratory therapists and respiratory therapy technicians. The general provisions for all professions contained in article one hundred thirty of this title shall apply to this article.
§ 8501. Definition of the practice of respiratory therapy. The practice of the profession of respiratory therapy, which shall be undertaken pursuant to the direction of a duly licensed physician, is defined as the performance of cardiopulmonary evaluation, respiratory therapy treatment techniques, and education of the patient, family and public. 1. Evaluation shall include the […]
§ 8502. Practice of respiratory therapy and use of the title “respiratory therapist”. 1. Only a person licensed or exempt under this article shall practice respiratory therapy or use the title “respiratory therapist”. 2. A licensed respiratory therapist may supervise respiratory therapy technicians in the practice of their profession in such capacities as are prescribed […]
§ 8503. State board for respiratory therapy. A state board for respiratory therapy shall be appointed by the board of regents on the recommendation of the commissioner for the purpose of assisting the board of regents and the department on matters of professional licensing and conduct in accordance with section sixty-five hundred eight of this […]
§ 8504. Requirements for licensure as a respiratory therapist. To qualify for a license as a respiratory therapist, an applicant shall fulfill the following requirements: 1. Application: file an application with the department; 2. Education: have received an education, including completion of an approved associate degree program in respiratory therapy or in a program determined […]
§ 8504-a. Mandatory continuing education for respiratory therapists. 1. (a) Each licensed respiratory therapist required under this article to register triennially with the department to practice in the state shall comply with provisions of the mandatory continuing education requirements prescribed in subdivision two of this section except as set forth in paragraphs (b) and (c) […]
§ 8505. Exempt persons. This article shall not prohibit: 1. The practice of respiratory therapy as an integral part of a program of study by students enrolled in approved respiratory therapy education programs; 2. The performance of any of the modalities included in the definition of respiratory therapy by any other duly licensed, certified or […]
§ 8506. Limited permits. Permits limited as to eligibility, practice and duration shall be issued by the department to eligible applicants as follows: 1. Eligibility. A person who fulfills all requirements for registration as a respiratory therapist except that relating to the examination shall be eligible for a limited permit. 2. Limit of practice. All […]
§ 8507. Special provisions. A person shall be licensed without examination provided that, within one year of the effective date of this article, the individuals: 1. files an application and pays the appropriate fees to the department; and 2. (a) is registered by a national certifying or accrediting board for respiratory therapy acceptable to the […]
§ 8508. Definition of the practice of respiratory therapy technician. A respiratory therapy technician means a person licensed in accordance with this article who works under the supervision of a licensed respiratory therapist or a licensed or otherwise legally authorized physician performing tasks and responsibilities within the framework of the practice of respiratory therapy.
§ 8509. Duties of respiratory therapy technicians and use of the title “respiratory therapy technician”. Only a person licensed or otherwise authorized under this article shall participate in the practice of respiratory therapy as a respiratory therapy technician and only a person licensed under this article shall use the title “respiratory therapy technician”.
§ 8510. Requirements for licensure as a respiratory therapy technician. To qualify for a license as a respiratory therapy technician an applicant shall fulfill the following requirements: 1. Application: file an application with the department; 2. Education: have received an education including completion of high school or its equivalent and have completed an approved one-year […]
§ 8510-a. Mandatory continuing education for respiratory therapy technicians. 1. (a) Each licensed respiratory therapy technician required under this article to register triennially with the department to practice in the state shall comply with provisions of the mandatory continuing education requirements prescribed in subdivision two of this section except as set forth in paragraphs (b) […]
§ 8511. Limited permits. 1. Eligibility. The department may issue a limited permit to an applicant who meets all requirements for admission to the licensing examination. 2. Limit of practice. All practice under a limited permit shall be under the direct supervision of a licensed respiratory therapist or a licensed or otherwise legally authorized physician. […]
§ 8512. Exempt persons. This article shall not prohibit: 1. a respiratory therapy student or a respiratory therapy technician student from engaging in clinical assistance under the supervision of a licensed respiratory therapist or a licensed or otherwise legally authorized physician as an integral part of a program of study by students enrolled in an […]
§ 8513. Special provisions. A person shall be licensed without examination provided that, within one year of the effective date of this article, the individual: 1. files an application and pays the appropriate fees to the department; and 2. (a) is certified by a national certifying or accrediting board for respiratory therapy technicians acceptable to […]