§ 750-t. Disposal in compliance with forms. A pet cemetery owner shall dispose of a pet in compliance with a pet disposal form completed by a pet owner or veterinarian. If such pet is disposed of, either by individual cremation or individual burial, the pet cemetery owner shall within ten days of such disposal send […]
§ 750-u. Veterinary and agricultural production exclusions. Any pet cemetery which: 1. (a) is owned by a licensed veterinarian; or (b) is located on land used in agricultural production; 2. does not allow individual burials; 3. does not allow individual grave markers; 4. does not charge a maintenance fee for the care of pet graves; […]
§ 750-uu. Small pet cemetery exclusion. Any pet cemetery which buries less than five animals a year, makes no representation that the pet graves will be cared for or that the land is dedicated, and does not charge a maintenance fee for the care of the pet graves shall be exempt from the provisions of […]
§ 750-v. Duties of pet cemetery owners and operators. All pet cemetery owners and operators shall have the following duties: 1. To keep permanently maps and records containing the specific site of each pet grave, the grave owner’s last known address, the date of burial, the size of such grave, the contract for sale of […]
§ 750-w. Separability clause. If any part or provision of this article or the application thereof to any person or circumstance be adjudged invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such judgment shall be confined in its operation to the part, provision or application directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment shall have […]