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Home » US Law » 2022 New York Laws » Consolidated Laws » GBS - General Business » Article 8-A - Process Servers and Process Serving Agencies in Cities Having a Population of One Million or More

89-BB – Definitions.

§ 89-bb. Definitions. For the purposes of this article: 1. A “process server” is a person, other than an attorney or a party to an action acting on his own behalf, who: (a) derives income from the service of papers in an action; or (b) has effected service of process in five or more actions […]

89-CC – Process Server Records.

§ 89-cc. Process server records. 1. Each process server shall maintain a legible record of all service made by him or her as prescribed in this section. Such records shall be kept, either: (a) in chronological order in a bound, paginated volume. Corrections in records shall be made only by drawing a straight line through […]

89-DD – Process Serving Agency Records.

§ 89-dd. Process serving agency records. 1. Each process serving agency shall be required to keep complete and accurate records with respect to each process server to whom it distributes, assigns or delivers process to be served. Corrections in records shall be made only by drawing a straight line through the inaccurate entry and clearly […]

89-EE – Responsibility of Process Serving Agency and Process Servers.

§ 89-ee. Responsibility of process serving agency and process servers. 1. It shall be unlawful for a process server to fail to comply with all legal requirements for the service of process. 2. A process serving agency shall be legally responsible for the acts of each process server to whom it has distributed, assigned or […]

89-FF – Affidavits of Service.

§ 89-ff. Affidavits of service. It shall be unlawful for a process server to fail to set forth on any affidavit of service or process signed by him his license or registration number if such process server is required to be licensed or registered pursuant to any state or local law and the name and […]

89-GG – Availability of Records.

§ 89-gg. Availability of records. All records required to be maintained by this article shall be retained by a process server or process serving agency for a minimum of three years and shall be available for inspection by the attorney general. The attorney general shall afford a process server or process serving agency at least […]

89-HH – Enforcement by Attorney General.

§ 89-hh. Enforcement by attorney general. In addition to the other remedies provided, whenever there shall be a violation of this article, application may be made by the attorney general in the name of the people of the state of New York to a court or justice having jurisdiction by a special proceeding to issue […]

89-II – Preservation of Private Remedies.

§ 89-ii. Preservation of private remedies. Nothing in this article shall be construed to nullify or impair any right or rights which an individual may have against a process server or process serving agency at common law, by statute or otherwise.

89-JJ – Preemption.

§ 89-jj. Preemption. This article does not annul, alter, affect or exempt any person or business entity subject to the provisions of this article from complying with any local law, ordinance or regulation with respect to process servers or process serving agencies except to the extent that those laws are inconsistent with any provision of […]

89-KK – Severability.

§ 89-kk. Severability. If any provision of this article or if any application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of this article and the application of the provision to other persons and circumstances shall not be affected thereby.

89-LL – Applicability.

§ 89-ll. Applicability. This article shall apply only in cities having a population of one million or more.