§ 90. Enlistment, period of service, transfer, discharge, and extension of enlistment. 1. The qualifications for enlistment and re-enlistment, the periods of enlistment, re-enlistment and voluntary extension of enlistment, the period of service, the form of oath to be taken, and the manner and form of transfer and discharge of enlisted personnel of the forces […]
§ 91. Contract and oath of enlistment. Every person who enlists or re-enlists in any force of the organized militia shall sign an enlistment contract and shall take and subscribe such oath or affirmation of enlistment as may be prescribed by applicable laws of the United States and by regulations issued pursuant to this chapter. […]
§ 92. Promotion and reduction. Enlisted personnel of the organized militia shall be promoted and reduced in grade or rate, as prescribed by regulations issued pursuant to this chapter.
§ 93. Discharges. 1. An enlisted person may be discharged from any force of the organized militia prior to the expiration of his term of enlistment under such conditions as may be prescribed by applicable laws and regulations of the United States and by this chapter and by regulations issued pursuant to this chapter. 2. […]
§ 94. Dropping from the rolls. When an enlisted person of the organized militia absents himself without leave and there is reason to believe that he does not intend to return, he may be dropped from the rolls, under such regulations as may be prescribed pursuant to this chapter.