US Lawyer Database

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1266 – Special Powers of the Authority.

§ 1266. Special powers of the authority. In order to effectuate the purposes of this title: 1. The authority may acquire, by purchase, gift, grant, transfer, contract or lease, any transportation facility other than a transit facility or, subject to subdivision two of this section or any transportation facility constituting a transit facility, wholly or […]

1266-A – Medical Emergency Services.

§ 1266-a. Medical emergency services. The authority is hereby authorized and directed to prepare and develop a medical emergency services program to be implemented at a time to be specified in such program for the benefit of persons utilizing transportation and other related services of the authority. Such program may include but not be limited […]

1266-B – Medical Emergency Services Plan; Implementation on Long Island Rail Road.

§ 1266-b. Medical emergency services plan; implementation on Long Island Rail Road. 1. a. The authority in consultation with the Long Island Rail Road is hereby authorized and directed to implement a comprehensive medical emergency services program, including an emergency response protocol, not later than September first, two thousand five, for the benefit of persons […]

1266-C – Transit Projects.

§ 1266-c. Transit projects. 1. Subject to the provisions of this section, the authority is hereby authorized, upon the request of the New York city transit authority and upon such terms and conditions as shall be agreed to by the authority (i) to plan, design, acquire, construct, reconstruct, rehabilitate and improve facilities, equipment, devices and […]

1266-D – Long Island Rail Road Commuter’s Council.

§ 1266-d. Long Island rail road commuter’s council. 1. There is hereby created the Long Island rail road commuter’s council, to study, investigate, monitor and make recommendations with respect to the maintenance and operation of the Long Island rail road. Such council shall study and investigate all aspects of the day to day operations of […]

1266-E – Metro-North Rail Commuter Council.

§ 1266-e. Metro-North rail commuter council. 1. There is hereby created the Metro-North rail commuter council to study, investigate, monitor and make recommendations with respect to the maintenance and operation of those portions of, if any, the Hudson, Harlem, New Haven, Pascack Valley and Port Jervis commuter railroad lines remaining within the metropolitan commuter transportation […]

1266-F – Medical Emergency Services Plan; Implementation on Metro-North Commuter Railroad Company.

§ 1266-f. Medical emergency services plan; implementation on Metro-North Commuter Railroad Company. 1. The authority is hereby authorized and directed to implement a medical emergency services program not later than April first, nineteen hundred eighty-six, for the benefit of persons utilizing transportation and other related services of the Metro-North Commuter Railroad Company. Such program shall […]

1266-G – Excess Loss Fund.

§ 1266-g. Excess loss fund. 1. Subject to the provisions of this section, the authority is authorized to issue bonds and notes, in accordance with section twelve hundred sixty-nine of this title, in such principal amounts not in excess of the seventy-five million dollar limitation established in subdivision four of this section as, in the […]

1266-H – Authority Police Force.

§ 1266-h. Authority police force. 1. The authority is hereby authorized and empowered, to provide and maintain an authority police department and a uniformed authority police force. Each member of such uniformed police force shall be a “police officer” for the purposes of the criminal procedure law, with all of the powers of such police […]

1266-I – The Permanent Citizens Advisory Committee.

§ 1266-i. The permanent citizens advisory committee. There is hereby established a permanent citizens advisory committee. The members of the committee shall consist of the following members: the Long Island Rail Road commuter’s council, the Metro-North commuter council, and the New York city transit authority advisory council, as defined in section twelve hundred four-e of […]

1266-J – Metropolitan Transportation Authority Pledge to Customers.

§ 1266-j. Metropolitan transportation authority pledge to customers. 1. A metropolitan transportation authority pledge to customers shall be created and adopted by the metropolitan transportation authority. A copy of such pledge shall be posted on the web site of the authority and shall be posted in stations where the authority makes regular postings. The authority […]

1266-K – Expired Fare Transfer Policy.

* § 1266-k. Expired fare transfer policy. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the authority shall, within ninety days of the effective date of this section, establish an expired fare transfer policy that may be amended from time to time. Such policy shall provide any person who purchases a fare the ability […]

1266-L – Surveillance Cameras; Subway Stations.

* § 1266-l. Surveillance cameras; subway stations. The authority shall install and reasonably maintain proper operation of surveillance cameras at all subway stations operated by the authority. Such surveillance cameras may be placed in all areas, including but not limited to, areas frequented by passengers and all train platforms. * NB There are 2 § […]

1266-L*2 – Light Duty for Employees.

* § 1266-l. Light duty for employees. 1. Should any employee engaged in the service of any commuter rail service owned or operated by the authority or its subsidiary, who is pregnant be prevented by such pregnancy from performing the activities involved in her regular assigned duties due, but is able, as determined by the […]

1267 – Acquisition and Disposition of Real Property.

§ 1267. Acquisition and disposition of real property. * 1. In addition to the powers provided in section twelve hundred sixty-six of this title to acquire transportation facilities, equipment and real property, the authority may acquire, by condemnation pursuant to the eminent domain procedure law, any real property it may deem necessary, convenient or desirable […]

1267-B – Transit Facilities for Transit Construction Fund.

§ 1267-b. Transit facilities for transit construction fund. 1. As used in this section, unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context: a. “City” shall mean the city of New York. b. “Transit construction fund act” shall mean title nine-a of article five of this chapter. c. “Transit construction fund” shall mean the corporation […]

1268 – Co-Operation and Assistance of Other Agencies.

§ 1268. Co-operation and assistance of other agencies. 1. To avoid duplication of effort and in the interests of economy, the authority may make use of existing studies, surveys, plans, data and other materials in the possession of any state agency or any municipality or political subdivision of the state. Each such agency, municipality or […]

1268-A – Promotion of Qualified Transportation Fringes.

§ 1268-a. Promotion of qualified transportation fringes. The authority shall promote the broad use of qualified transportation fringes, under section 132(f) of the internal revenue code, in order to increase the number of participating companies and employees in such programs. The authority may also study and report on ways in which programs may be improved […]

1269 – Notes, Bonds and Other Obligations of the Authority.

§ 1269. Notes, bonds and other obligations of the authority. 1. (a) The authority shall have power and is hereby authorized from time to time to issue its bonds, notes and other obligations in such principal amount as, in the opinion of the authority, shall be necessary, convenient or desirable to effectuate any of its […]