§ 460. Definitions. As used in this article, unless the context requires otherwise: 1. “Commissioner” shall mean the commissioner of health. 2. “Body piercing” shall mean the piercing of any part of the body, except the ear. Such term shall not include tongue-splitting, as defined in section four hundred seventy of this chapter. 3. “Tattoo” […]
§ 460-a. Restrictions on body piercing studios. 1. No owner, operator or employee of a body piercing studio shall permit body piercing on a person under eighteen years of age unless such person provides the body piercing studio with the written consent, in a form prescribed by the commissioner, of a parent or legal guardian […]
§ 461. Permit required. 1. No person shall be a body piercing specialist or tattooist and no person, firm, corporation, partnership, or other association shall operate a body piercing studio or tattoo studio without first obtaining a permit from the department. 2. All body piercing or tattooing shall be performed in accordance with the rules […]
§ 462. Application of article. 1. This article shall not apply to or affect a physician duly licensed under article one hundred thirty-one of the education law or x-ray technicians. 2. This article shall not apply to, affect, or restrict the ability of a city, town, village, or county to enact a local law or […]
§ 463. Denial of permit; notice of hearing. The department shall, before making a final determination to deny an application for a permit, notify the applicant in writing of the reasons for such proposed denial and shall afford the applicant an opportunity to be heard in person or by counsel prior to denial of the […]
§ 464. Permits; display; renewal; duplicates. 1. All permits shall be for a period of two years. 2. No permit shall be assignable or transferable. 3. Each permit issued pursuant to this article shall be posted and kept posted in some conspicuous place in the body piercing studio or tattoo studio in which the permittee […]
§ 465. Powers of the commissioner. In addition to the powers and duties elsewhere prescribed in this article, the commissioner shall have power to: 1. Appoint one or more officers as shall be necessary to do or perform in the department’s place or stead the acts authorized by this article; 2. Examine the qualifications and […]
§ 466. Judicial review. The action of the commissioner in suspending, revoking or refusing to issue or renew a permit or imposing any fine or reprimand upon the holder thereof may be reviewed by a proceeding brought under and pursuant to article seventy-eight of the civil practice law and rules.
§ 467. Single use tattoo and body piercing equipment. 1. All tattoo studios and body piercing studios shall use only single use needles and approved ink handling procedures in all tattoo and body piercing procedures performed in such establishments. 2. Prior to a person receiving a tattoo or body piercing from a licensed tattooist or […]