§ 420. Boards of visitors; appointment. 1. (a) Subject to the provisions of this chapter, each hospital in the department shall continue to have a board of seven visitors, to be appointed by the governor by and with the advice and consent of the senate; provided however that in the case of the state institute […]
§ 421. Boards of visitors; officers; meetings. 1. The board of visitors of a hospital in the department shall elect a chairman from among its members. 2. (a) The board of visitors of each hospital in the department, other than the institute for the study of malignant diseases, shall hold regular meetings at least once […]
§ 422. Boards of visitors; compensation and expenses of members. Members of the board of visitors of each hospital in the department shall receive no compensation, but each shall be entitled to receive his expenses actually and necessarily incurred in the performance of his duties.
§ 423. Boards of visitors; general powers and duties. 1. The board of visitors of each hospital in the department shall have the powers and duties expressly conferred or imposed on it by this chapter and such other powers and duties, not inconsistent with law as may be prescribed by rules of the commissioner. 2. […]
§ 424. Boards of visitors; access to hospital; books, records and accounts. The resident officers of each hospital in the department shall admit the members of the board of visitors of the respective hospital into every part of the hospital and its buildings, and exhibit to them on demand all the books, papers, accounts and […]
§ 425. Boards of visitors; reports to commissioner and governor. 1. The board of visitors of each hospital in the department shall make a written report to the commissioner and to the governor within ten days after each inspection, such report to be signed by each member making the inspection. Such report shall state in […]