§ 121.11 Criminal obstruction of breathing or blood circulation. A person is guilty of criminal obstruction of breathing or blood circulation when, with intent to impede the normal breathing or circulation of the blood of another person, he or she: a. applies pressure on the throat or neck of such person; or b. blocks the […]
§ 121.12 Strangulation in the second degree. A person is guilty of strangulation in the second degree when he or she commits the crime of criminal obstruction of breathing or blood circulation, as defined in section 121.11 of this article, and thereby causes stupor, loss of consciousness for any period of time, or any other […]
§ 121.13 Strangulation in the first degree. A person is guilty of strangulation in the first degree when he or she commits the crime of criminal obstruction of breathing or blood circulation, as defined in section 121.11 of this article, and thereby causes serious physical injury to such other person. Strangulation in the first degree […]
§ 121.13-a Aggravated strangulation. A person is guilty of aggravated strangulation when, being a police officer as defined in subdivision thirty-four of section 1.20 of the criminal procedure law or a peace officer as defined in section 2.10 of the criminal procedure law, he or she commits the crime of criminal obstruction of breathing or […]
§ 121.14 Medical or dental purpose. For purposes of section 121.11, 121.12, 121.13 or 121.13-a of this article, it shall be an affirmative defense that the defendant performed such conduct for a valid medical or dental purpose.