§ 1270. Statement of legislative findings and purpose. The legislature hereby finds and declares that many disabled veterans in New York state face a significant impediment to accessible and affordable housing as a result of service related injuries, age or health related disabilities. These men and women have served our country and state with honor […]
§ 1271. Definitions. As used in this article: 1. “Corporation” shall mean the housing trust fund corporation established in section forty-five-a of this chapter. 2. “Eligible applicant” shall mean a city, town, village or not-for-profit corporation in existence for a period of one or more years prior to application, which is, or will be at […]
§ 1272. Access to home for heroes contracts. 1. Within the limit of funds available in the access to home for heroes program, the corporation is hereby authorized to enter into contracts with eligible applicants to provide financial assistance for the actual costs of an access to home for heroes program. The financial assistance shall […]