§ 80. Connecting routes and extension of lines. a. The commission, from time to time, with the approval of the board of estimate and of the mayor may grant a right or franchise or enter into a contract, upon application to such commission of any railroad corporation for the purpose of constructing and operating a […]
§ 81. Connection with other railroads or transit facilities. a. The commission, from time to time, with the approval of the board of estimate and the mayor, upon application of any person owning, leasing, constructing or actually operating or having the right by contract to thereafter operate a railroad wholly or in part within the […]
§ 82. Relocation of railroads. a. Upon application of any person owning a railroad wholly or in part within the limits of the city, the commission, if in its judgment the public interests so demand, with the approval of the board of estimate and the mayor, may fix and determine the route upon which such […]