* § 97-www. Consumer protection account. 1. There is hereby established in the joint custody of the state comptroller and the commissioner of taxation and finance an account within the miscellaneous special revenue fund to be known as the “consumer protection account.” 2. Such account shall consist of all penalties received by the department of […]
* § 97-www. Percy T. Phillips educational foundation of the Dental Society of the state of New York fund. 1. There is hereby established in the joint custody of the state comptroller and the commissioner of taxation and finance a fund to be known as the “Percy T. Phillips Educational Foundation of The Dental Society […]
* § 97-xxx. Additional mass transportation assistance fund. 1. There is hereby established in the joint custody of the state comptroller and the commissioner of tax and finance a fund to be known as the additional mass transportation assistance fund. 2. Moneys in the additional mass transportation assistance fund shall be used for the payment […]
* § 97-xxx. Agriculture in the classroom fund. 1. There is hereby established in the joint custody of the state comptroller and the commissioner of taxation and finance a fund to be known as the “agriculture in the classroom fund”. 2. Such fund shall consist of all moneys collected pursuant to section four hundred four-s […]
* § 97-yyy. Children and family services quality enhancement fund. 1. There is hereby established in the joint custody of the state comptroller and the commissioner of taxation and finance a special revenue fund to be known as the children and family services quality enhancement fund. 2. The children and family services quality enhancement fund […]