§ 110. Present congressional districts. The congressional districts of this state, as existing immediately before the effective date of this article, shall continue to be the congressional districts of the state until the expiration of the terms of the representatives in congress then in office, except for the purpose of an election of representatives in […]
§ 111. New congressional districts. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the congressional districts of this state from and after the effective date of this article, shall consist as follows: 1. Congressional District 1. Within Suffolk County All of East Hampton town All of Riverhead town All of Shelter Island town All […]
§ 112. Separability of congressional districts. Each congressional district created by this article shall be deemed a separate district for the purpose of apportionment of the entire state into congressional districts. If one or more congressional districts created by this article are judicially found not to be in compliance with the decisions and mandates of […]