US Lawyer Database

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400*2 – Legislative Findings.

* § 400. Legislative findings. The legislature hereby finds and declares that: 1. Transportation of people and goods is vital to the economic and social well-being of the metropolitan area embracing the counties of Nassau, Putnam, Rockland, Suffolk and Westchester and the city of New York. 2. General purpose local governments of the metropolitan area, […]

406 – Unified Planning Work Program.

* § 406. Unified planning work program. 1. The council shall establish goals, objectives, criteria, and standards for the development of work programs for the use of federal and other planning funds. 2. The unified planning work program shall comprise the following major work elements: (a) central staff; (b) transportation coordinating committees staff; (c) subregional […]

407 – Application for Urban Mass Transportation Funds.

* § 407. Application for urban mass transportation funds. 1. The department shall, on behalf of the council, make application annually to the urban mass transportation administration and to other federal agencies as may be appropriate, for funds to support the council’s planning program. The department shall make such funds, as well as funds received […]

410 – Transportation Plans.

* § 410. Transportation plans. 1. The council shall develop and review annually areawide transportation goals and objectives, considering federal and state policies and requirements, for the guidance of its constituent transportation coordinating committees. 2. Each transportation coordinating committee shall develop and review and update as necessary, a transportation coordinating committee’s transportation plan, consisting of […]

411 – Transportation Improvement Program.

* § 411. Transportation improvement program. 1. Each transportation coordinating committee shall develop and update annually a transportation coordinating committee transportation improvement program in cooperation with state and local officials, regional and local transit operators, recipients authorized under section five of the Urban Mass Transportation Act (49 USC 1604), and with input from other affected […]

412 – Program, Finance, and Administration Committee.

* § 412. Program, finance, and administration committee. 1. The council shall establish a program, finance, and administration committee, to be composed of staff representatives of the New York state department of transportation, the metropolitan transportation authority, and one to be appointed by each of the transportation coordinating committees. The central staff director shall serve […]

413 – Nonregional Transportation Coordinating Committees’ Actions.

* § 413. Nonregional transportation coordinating committees’ actions. 1. The following actions by the transportation coordinating committees, to be taken when necessary, shall be accepted as official metropolitan planning organization actions without formal ratification by the council: (a) The delineation of and keeping up-to-date, subregional urban area boundaries in cooperation with the state. (b) The […]

414 – Coordination With Adjacent Metropolitan Planning Organizations.

* § 414. Coordination with adjacent metropolitan planning organizations. Within six months from the effective date of this article, the council shall develop procedures for coordinating its plans and programs, and its planning and programming processes, with adjacent metropolitan planning orgnizations in the states of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. The council shall appoint […]

415 – Meetings and Agendas.

* § 415. Meetings and agendas. 1. Each transportation coordinating committee shall have an annual meeting, held each year between January fifteenth and February fifteenth. Its business agenda shall include: (a) Election of chairperson; (b) Endorsement of a transportation coordinating committee, transportation improvement program with an annual element; (c) Endorsement of a transportation coordinating committee’s […]

416 – Central Staff Operation.

* § 416. Central staff operation. 1. The department shall provide for the financial operations of the central staff and ensure that the central staff activities are in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The relative responsibilities of the council and the department for the central staff are detailed below. In all cases the responsibilities […]

417 – Council to Act as the Metropolitan Planning Organization for Purposes of Receipt of Federal Transportation Assistance.

* § 417. Council to act as the metropolitan planning organization for purposes of receipt of federal transportation assistance. Upon adoption of a joint resolution by the transportation coordinating committees and approval of such resolution by the governor, the council shall be designated as the metropolitan planning organization for purposes of receipt of federal transportation […]