* § 470. Expenditure of moneys. 1. In accordance with the provisions of the Transportation Infrastructure Bond Act of 2000 authorizing the creation of general obligation debt in the amount of three billion eight hundred million dollars ($3,800,000,000), the moneys received by the state from the sale of bonds and/or notes shall be expended for […]
* § 476. Maintenance of records. In connection with each contract, the commissioner and the municipality shall keep adequate records of the amount of the payment by the state, the amount of federal assistance, if any, received by the municipality for the project, and of all moneys expended by the municipality for such project. Such […]
* § 477. Consistency with federal tax law. All actions taken pursuant to this article shall be reviewed for consistency with provisions of the federal internal revenue code and regulations thereunder, in accordance with procedures established in connection with the issuance of any tax exempt bonds pursuant to this article, to preserve the tax exempt […]
* § 478. Compliance with other law. Every recipient of funds to be made available pursuant to this article shall comply with all applicable state, federal and local laws. * NB Not effective due to defeat of the Transportation Bond Act of 2000