§ 390. Inspection of motor vehicles and motorcycles. The superintendent of state police shall cause inspection to be made of the motor vehicles and motorcycles operating on the public highways to detect inadequacy of equipment, overloading and other violations of law governing the use of the public highways by motor vehicles and motorcycles.
§ 391. Rates of toll on motor vehicles. Where a different rate is not otherwise prescribed or permitted by law, any person or corporation maintaining a plank road, turnpike road or bridge and authorized, or which shall be hereafter authorized, to receive tolls for the passage of motor vehicles over the same, may charge and […]
§ 392. False statements, alteration of records or substitution in connection with any examination. Any person knowingly making a false statement in an application for any document issued by the commissioner or in any proof or statement in writing in connection with such an application, or who shall deceive or substitute or cause another to […]
§ 392-a. Sale or purchase of stolen, false or fraudulent license, identification card, certificate of registration, or number plate. A person who knowingly sells or offers to sell or buys or offers to buy a false, fraudulent or stolen license, identification card, certificate of registration or number plate, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor as […]
§ 392-b. Powers of motor vehicle investigators. Investigators of the department of motor vehicles during the course of and actual performance of their official duties shall have all the powers of peace officers, as set forth in section 2.20 of the criminal procedure law.
§ 393. Measurement and weight of vehicles; responsibility for damages. Any peace officer in this state, acting pursuant to his special duties, police officer or employee of the department of transportation, having reason to believe that any vehicle registered under the provisions of subdivision seven or eight of section four hundred one or described in […]
§ 393-a. Inspection of commercial motor vehicles exceeding ten thousand pounds manufacturers’ gross vehicle weight rating. Any police officer having lawfully stopped a commercial motor vehicle with a manufacturers’ gross vehicle weight rating in excess of ten thousand pounds for the purpose of conducting a motor carrier safety inspection may, when necessary to insure the […]
§ 394. Drivers’ schools. 1. Definitions. As used in this section: (a) “Drivers’ school” means the business of giving instruction for hire in driving motor vehicles or motorcycles. (b) “Person” includes an individual, firm, corporation, partnership, joint venture, joint adventurer or association. (c) “Place of business” means a designated location at which the business of […]
§ 395. Certain private service bureaus to be licensed. Except as otherwise provided herein, no person, firm, association or corporation shall, engage in the business of assisting for hire in securing licenses to drive motor vehicles or registrations or titles of motor vehicles, nor shall any person, firm, association or corporation for compensation give instructions […]
§ 396. Use of state and other seals and insignia on private vehicles prohibited. 1. A person who shall use any seal, device of arms, sign, lettering or insignia of the United States, or of this state or political subdivision thereof, on any vehicle not owned or used by the United States, this state or […]
§ 397. Equipping motor vehicles with radio receiving sets capable of receiving signals on the frequencies allocated for police use. A person, not a police officer or peace officer, acting pursuant to his special duties, who equips a motor vehicle with a radio receiving set capable of receiving signals on the frequencies allocated for police […]
§ 397-a. Radar detectors and laser detectors prohibited. 1. No radar detector or laser detector shall be used in any motor vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating of more than eighteen thousand pounds or in any commercial vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating of more than ten thousand pounds. The presence in such […]
§ 397-b. Vehicle leases that are not sales or security interests. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in the case of motor vehicles or trailers which are not vehicles or trailers leased or used primarily for personal, family, or household purposes, a transaction does not create a conditional sale or security interest merely because it […]
§ 397-c. For-hire motor vehicle safety program. The commissioner shall evaluate and approve any for-hire motor vehicle safety program created pursuant to section two thousand three hundred fifty-three of the insurance law within sixty days of the effective date of such section.