15-203. Duties of the Secretary of Public Safety; appointment of probation officers; reports; requests for extradition. The Secretary of Public Safety, or the Secretary’s designee, shall direct the work of the probation officers appointed under this Article. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary of Public Safety shall have sole discretion to establish the […]
15-204. Assignment, compensation and oath of probation officers. Probation officers appointed under this Article shall be assigned to serve in such courts or districts or otherwise as the Secretary of Public Safety may determine. They shall be paid annual salaries to be fixed by the Department of Public Safety, and shall also be paid traveling […]
15-205. Duties and powers of the probation officers. A probation officer shall investigate all cases referred to him for investigation by the judges of the courts or by the Secretary of Public Safety. Such officer shall keep informed concerning the conduct and condition of each person on probation under his supervision by visiting, requiring reports, […]
15-206. Cooperation with Division of Adult Correction and Juvenile Justice of the Department of Public Safety and officials of local units. [Effective until January 1, 2023] It is hereby made the duty of every city, county, or State official or department to render all assistance and cooperation within the official’s or the Department’s fundamental power […]
15-207. Records treated as privileged information. All information and data obtained in the discharge of official duty by any probation officer shall be privileged information, shall not be receivable as evidence in any court, and shall not be disclosed directly or indirectly to any other than the judge or to others entitled under this Article […]
15-209. Accommodations for probation offices. [Effective until January 1, 2023] (a) The county commissioners in each county in which a probation office exists shall provide, in or near the courthouse, suitable office space for those probation officers assigned to the county who have probationary caseloads and their administrative support. This requirement does not include management […]