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Home » US Law » 2022 North Carolina General Statutes » Chapter 153A - Counties » Article 6 - Delegation and Exercise of the General Police Power.

§ 153A-140 – Abatement of public health nuisances.

153A-140. Abatement of public health nuisances. A county shall have authority, subject to the provisions of Article 57 of Chapter 106 of the General Statutes, to remove, abate, or remedy everything that is dangerous or prejudicial to the public health or safety. Pursuant to this section, a board of commissioners may order the removal of […]

§ 153A-140.1 – Stream-clearing programs.

153A-140.1. Stream-clearing programs. (a) A county shall have the authority to remove natural and man-made obstructions in stream channels and in the floodway of streams that may impede the passage of water during rain events. (b) The actions of a county to clear obstructions from a stream shall not create or increase the responsibility of […]

§ 153A-140.2 – Annual notice to chronic violators of public nuisance ordinance.

153A-140.2. Annual notice to chronic violators of public nuisance ordinance. A county may notify a chronic violator of the county’s public nuisance ordinance that, if the violator’s property is found to be in violation of the ordinance, the county shall, without further notice in the calendar year in which notice is given, take action to […]

§ 153A-142 – Curfews.

153A-142. Curfews. A county may by an appropriate ordinance impose a curfew on persons of any age less than 18. (1997-189, s. 2.)

§ 153A-145 – Limitations on regulating cisterns and rain barrels.

153A-145. Limitations on regulating cisterns and rain barrels. No county ordinance may prohibit or have the effect of prohibiting the installation and maintenance of cisterns and rain barrel collection systems used to collect water for irrigation purposes. A county may regulate the installation and maintenance of those cisterns and rain barrel collection systems for the […]

§ 153A-145.1 – Transportation impact mitigation ordinances prohibited.

153A-145.1. Transportation impact mitigation ordinances prohibited. No county may enact or enforce an ordinance, rule, or regulation that requires an employer to assume financial, legal, or other responsibility for the mitigation of the impact of his or her employees’ commute or transportation to or from the employer’s workplace, which may result in the employer being […]

§ 153A-145.10 – Authorization of expanded area for ABC licensed premises.

153A-145.10. Authorization of expanded area for ABC licensed premises. In accordance with G.S. 18B-904(h), a county may adopt an ordinance authorizing permittees holding a permit under Article 10 or 11 of Chapter 18B of the General Statutes to utilize an area that is not part of the permittee’s licensed premises for the outdoor possession and […]

§ 153A-145.2 – Limitations on regulating soft drink sizes.

153A-145.2. Limitations on regulating soft drink sizes. No county ordinance may prohibit the sale of soft drinks above a particular size. This section does not prohibit any ordinance regulating the sanitation or other operational aspect of a device for the dispensing of soft drinks. For purposes of this section, "soft drink" shall have the meaning […]

§ 153A-145.3 – Counties enforce ordinances within public trust areas.

153A-145.3. Counties enforce ordinances within public trust areas. (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of G.S. 113-131 or any other provision of law, a county may, by ordinance, define, prohibit, regulate, or abate acts, omissions, or conditions upon the State’s ocean beaches and prevent or abate any unreasonable restriction of the public’s rights to use the State’s […]

§ 153A-145.4 – Limitations on standards of care for farm animals.

153A-145.4. Limitations on standards of care for farm animals. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no county ordinance may regulate standards of care for farm animals. For purposes of this section, "standards of care for farm animals" includes the following: the construction, repair, or improvement of farm animal shelter or housing; restrictions on the types […]

§ 153A-145.5 – Adoption of sanctuary ordinance prohibited.

153A-145.5. Adoption of sanctuary ordinance prohibited. (a) No county may have in effect any policy, ordinance, or procedure that limits or restricts the enforcement of federal immigration laws to less than the full extent permitted by federal law. (b) No county shall do any of the following related to information regarding the citizenship or immigration […]

§ 153A-145.7 – Hours of certain alcohol sales.

153A-145.7. Hours of certain alcohol sales. In accordance with G.S. 18B-1004(c), a county may adopt an ordinance allowing for the sale of malt beverages, unfortified wine, fortified wine, and mixed beverages beginning at 10:00 A.M. on Sunday pursuant to the licensed premises’ permit issued under G.S. 18B-1001. (2017-87, s. 4(b).)

§ 153A-145.8 – Limitations on regulation of catering by bona fide farms.

153A-145.8. Limitations on regulation of catering by bona fide farms. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no county may require a business located on a property used for bona fide farm purposes, as provided in G.S. 160D-903(a), that provides on- and off-site catering services, to obtain a permit to provide catering services within the county. […]