54-111. Nature of the association. Any number of persons, not less than five, may associate themselves as a mutual association, society, company, or exchange, for the purpose of conducting any agricultural, housing (including apartment housing), horticultural, forestry, dairy, mercantile, mining, manufacturing, telephone, electric light, power, storage, refrigeration, flume, irrigation, water, sewerage, or mechanical business, or […]
54-112. Use of term restricted. No corporation or association hereafter organized or doing business for profit in this State shall be entitled to use the term "mutual" as part of its corporate or other business name or title, unless it has complied with the provisions of this Subchapter; and any corporation or association violating the […]
54-113. Articles of agreement. The persons desiring to organize such association shall sign and acknowledge written articles which shall contain the name of the association and the names and residences of the persons forming the same. Such articles shall also contain a statement of the purposes of the association and shall designate the city, town, […]
54-114. Certificate of incorporation. The original articles of incorporation of corporations organized under this Subchapter, or a true copy thereof, verified as such by the affidavits of two of the signers thereof, shall be filed with the Secretary of State. A like verified copy of such articles and certificate of the Secretary of State, showing […]
54-115. Fees for incorporation. For filing the articles of incorporation of corporations organized under this Subchapter, there shall be paid the Secretary of State ten dollars ($10.00) and his fees allowed by law, and for the filing of an amendment to such articles, five dollars ($5.00) and his fees allowed by law: Provided, that when […]
54-116. Bylaws adopted. At the time of making the articles of incorporation the incorporators shall make bylaws which shall provide: (1) The name of the corporation. (2) The purposes for which it is formed. (3) Qualifications for membership. (4) The date of the annual meeting; the manner in which members shall be notified of meetings; […]
54-117. General corporation law or general nonprofit corporation law applied; dealing in products of, or renting to, nonmembers. All mutual associations shall be maintained in accordance with the general corporation law or general nonprofit corporation law, except as otherwise provided for in this Subchapter. And no corporation or association hereafter organized under this Subchapter for […]
54-118. Other corporations admitted. All mutual corporations, companies, or associations heretofore organized and doing business under other incorporation statutes, or which have attempted to so organize and do business, shall have the benefit of all of the provisions of this Subchapter, and be bound thereby on filing with the Secretary of State a written declaration, […]
54-118.1. License taxes. On and after June 1, 1955, the provisions of Article 2, Subchapter I of Chapter 105 of the General Statutes of North Carolina shall apply to an association or corporation organized under the provisions of this Subchapter. (1955, c. 1313, s. 1.)
54-118.2. Franchise taxes. On and after July 1, 1955, the provisions of Article 3, Subchapter I of Chapter 105 of the General Statutes of North Carolina shall apply to an association or corporation organized under the provisions of this Subchapter. (1955, c. 1313, s. 1.)