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Home » US Law » 2022 Ohio Revised Code » General Provisions » Chapter 1 | Definitions; Rules of Construction

Section 1.45 | Time Computation.

Effective: January 3, 1972 Latest Legislation: House Bill 607 – 109th General Assembly If a number of months is to be computed by counting the months from a particular day, the period ends on the same numerical day in the concluding month as the day of the month from which the computation is begun, unless […]

Section 1.47 | Presumptions in Enactment of Statutes.

Effective: January 3, 1972 Latest Legislation: House Bill 607 – 109th General Assembly In enacting a statute, it is presumed that: (A) Compliance with the constitutions of the state and of the United States is intended; (B) The entire statute is intended to be effective; (C) A just and reasonable result is intended; (D) A […]

Section 1.471 | Effective Date of Act Containing Appropriation for Current Expenses.

Effective: September 12, 1994 Latest Legislation: House Bill 790 – 120th General Assembly As used in this section, “appropriation for current expenses” means an appropriation of money for the current expenses of the state government and state institutions as contemplated by Ohio Constitution, Article II, Section 1d. This section expresses the general assembly’s interpretation of […]

Section 1.49 | Determining Legislative Intent.

Effective: January 3, 1972 Latest Legislation: House Bill 607 – 109th General Assembly If a statute is ambiguous, the court, in determining the intention of the legislature, may consider among other matters: (A) The object sought to be attained; (B) The circumstances under which the statute was enacted; (C) The legislative history; (D) The common […]

Section 1.50 | Severability.

Effective: January 3, 1972 Latest Legislation: House Bill 607 – 109th General Assembly If any provision of a section of the Revised Code or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity does not affect other provisions or applications of the section or related sections which can be given effect […]

Section 1.51 | Special or Local Provision Prevails as Exception to General Provision.

Effective: January 3, 1972 Latest Legislation: House Bill 607 – 109th General Assembly If a general provision conflicts with a special or local provision, they shall be construed, if possible, so that effect is given to both. If the conflict between the provisions is irreconcilable, the special or local provision prevails as an exception to […]

Section 1.52 | Irreconcilable Statutes or Amendments – Harmonization.

Effective: January 3, 1972 Latest Legislation: House Bill 607 – 109th General Assembly (A) If statutes enacted at the same or different sessions of the legislature are irreconcilable, the statute latest in date of enactment prevails. (B) If amendments to the same statute are enacted at the same or different sessions of the legislature, one […]

Section 1.53 | Language and Any Designated Section Number of Enrolled Act Prevails.

Effective: January 3, 1972 Latest Legislation: House Bill 607 – 109th General Assembly If the language of the enrolled act deposited with the secretary of state, including any code section number designated pursuant to section 103.131 of the Revised Code, conflicts with the language of any subsequent printing or reprinting of the statute, the language […]

Section 1.57 | Repeal of Repealing Statute.

Effective: January 3, 1972 Latest Legislation: House Bill 607 – 109th General Assembly The repeal of a repealing statute does not revive the statute originally repealed nor impair the effect of any saving clause therein.

Section 1.58 | Reenactment, Amendment, or Repeal of Statute.

Effective: January 3, 1972 Latest Legislation: House Bill 607 – 109th General Assembly (A) The reenactment, amendment, or repeal of a statute does not, except as provided in division (B) of this section: (1) Affect the prior operation of the statute or any prior action taken thereunder; (2) Affect any validation, cure, right, privilege, obligation, […]

Section 1.59 | Statutory Definitions.

Effective: November 5, 2004 Latest Legislation: House Bill 204 – 125th General Assembly As used in any statute, unless another definition is provided in that statute or a related statute: (A) “Child” includes child by adoption. (B) “Oath” includes affirmation, and “swear” includes affirm. (C) “Person” includes an individual, corporation, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, […]

Section 1.60 | State Agency Defined.

Effective: February 18, 2011 Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 – 129th General Assembly As used in Title I of the Revised Code, “state agency,” except as otherwise provided in the title, means every organized body, office, or agency established by the laws of the state for the exercise of any function of state government. “State […]

Section 1.601 | Fire Marshal Defined.

Effective: September 12, 2008 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 237 – 127th General Assembly If a statute uses the term “fire marshal” it is referring to the state fire marshal.

Section 1.61 | Agriculture Defined.

Effective: June 4, 2012 Latest Legislation: House Bill 276 – 129th General Assembly As used in any statute except section 303.01 or 519.01 of the Revised Code, “agriculture” includes farming; ranching; aquaculture; algaculture meaning the farming of algae; apiculture and related apicultural activities, production of honey, beeswax, honeycomb, and other related products; horticulture; viticulture, winemaking, […]

Section 1.611 | Osu Extension Defined.

Effective: September 29, 2013 Latest Legislation: House Bill 59 – 130th General Assembly As used in the Revised Code, “OSU extension” means the cooperative extension service that was established by the “Smith-Lever Act,” 38 Stat. 372 (1914), 7 U.S.C. 341 et seq., and is administered in this state by the Ohio state university.