Effective: November 19, 1971 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 166 – 109th General Assembly In the discretion of a regional water and sewer district, any water resource revenue bonds or notes or water resource revenue refunding bonds or notes issued under Chapter 6119. of the Revised Code may be secured by a trust agreement between the […]
Effective: November 19, 1971 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 166 – 109th General Assembly Any holders of water resource revenue bonds or notes issued under Chapter 6119. of the Revised Code, or any of the coupons appertaining thereto, and the trustee under any trust agreement, except to the extent the rights given by such chapter may […]
Effective: November 19, 1971 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 166 – 109th General Assembly Water resource revenue bonds and notes and water resource revenue refunding bonds issued pursuant to Chapter 6119. of the Revised Code, do not constitute a debt, or a pledge of the faith and credit, of the state or of any political subdivision […]
Effective: November 19, 1971 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 166 – 109th General Assembly All moneys, funds, properties, and assets acquired by a regional water and sewer district under Chapter 6119. of the Revised Code, whether as proceeds from the sale of water resource revenue bonds or as revenues, or otherwise, shall be held by it […]
Effective: November 19, 1971 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 166 – 109th General Assembly Moneys in the funds of a regional water and sewer district, except as otherwise provided in any resolution authorizing the issuance of its water resource revenue bonds or in any trust agreement securing the same, in excess of current needs, may be […]
Effective: October 30, 1989 Latest Legislation: House Bill 230 – 118th General Assembly Upon the creation of a regional water and sewer district, the board of trustees thereof may submit to the electors within the territorial limits of the district the question of issuing bonds of such district and also the necessity of the levy […]
Effective: September 29, 2011 Latest Legislation: House Bill 153 – 129th General Assembly The board of trustees of a regional water and sewer district, by a vote of two-thirds of all its members, may declare by resolution that it is necessary to levy a tax in excess of the ten-mill limitation for the purpose of […]
Effective: September 17, 1957 Latest Legislation: House Bill 518 – 102nd General Assembly In addition to the power conferred by sections 6119.01 to 6119.42, inclusive, of the Revised Code, to construct sewers and levy assessments therefor, and in the absence or insufficiency of a plan provided for in section 6119.31 of the Revised Code, the […]
Effective: October 1, 1953 Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 – 100th General Assembly The plan devised in accordance with section 6119.19 of the Revised Code shall be formed with a view to the division of the regional water and sewer district into as many sewer districts as are necessary for securing efficient sewerage. Each of […]
Effective: October 1, 1953 Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 – 100th General Assembly The plan devised in accordance with section 6119.19 of the Revised Code shall be so prepared as to show the size, location, inclination, and depth below the surface of all main sewers and all branch sewers connected therewith.
Effective: September 29, 2011 Latest Legislation: House Bill 153 – 129th General Assembly When a plan of sewerage devised in accordance with section 6119.19 of the Revised Code has been prepared, the board of trustees of the regional water and sewer district shall give at least ten days’ notice in one newspaper of general circulation […]
Effective: October 1, 1953 Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 – 100th General Assembly Before or after the construction of all or a part of the sewers provided for by a plan of sewerage devised in accordance with section 6119.19 of the Revised Code, the board of trustees of the regional water and sewer district may […]
Effective: October 1, 1953 Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 – 100th General Assembly After the plan of sewerage devised in accordance with section 6119.19 of the Revised Code has been adopted and approved, the board of trustees of the regional water and sewer district shall designate such portions of the work as are required for […]
Effective: September 29, 2011 Latest Legislation: House Bill 153 – 129th General Assembly When the board of trustees of a regional water and sewer district deems it necessary to construct all or a part of the sewers provided for in the plan devised in accordance with section 6119.19 of the Revised Code, the board shall […]
Effective: January 1, 1962 Latest Legislation: House Bill 262 – 104th General Assembly After the publication of the notice required by section 6119.25 of the Revised Code, the board of trustees of the regional water and sewer district shall determine whether it will proceed with the proposed improvement or not. If the board decides to […]
Effective: October 30, 1969 Latest Legislation: House Bill 276 – 108th General Assembly If it deems it expedient, the board of trustees of the regional water and sewer district may assess the real estate as provided in the resolution to improve and collect such assessments, or may issue bonds in anticipation of the collection of […]
Effective: October 10, 1963 Latest Legislation: House Bill 313 – 105th General Assembly The construction contracts authorized in Chapter 6119. of the Revised Code shall be awarded to the lowest and best bidder in the manner provided in section 6119.10 of the Revised Code and shall be paid for in the same manner as provided […]
Effective: October 1, 1953 Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 – 100th General Assembly If in its opinion it is expedient, the board of trustees of a regional water and sewer district may provide for the construction of main sewers and drains and branch sewers and drains connecting therewith without previously adopting any plan of sewerage […]
Effective: November 19, 1971 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 166 – 109th General Assembly The issuance of bonds and notes in anticipation of the collection of special assessments shall be accomplished as provided in Chapter 6119. of the Revised Code.
Effective: July 2, 2010 Latest Legislation: House Bill 48 – 128th General Assembly The board of county commissioners at any time not less than ninety days before the general election in any year, by a vote of two-thirds of its members, may declare by resolution that the amount of taxes which may be raised within […]