Effective: October 9, 1963 Latest Legislation: House Bill 415 – 105th General Assembly The “great lakes basin compact” is hereby ratified, enacted into law, and entered into by this state as a party thereto with any other state or province which, pursuant to Article II of said compact, has legally joined in the compact as […]
Effective: October 26, 1999 Latest Legislation: House Bill 19 – 123rd General Assembly Any instrument by which real property is acquired pursuant to section 6161.01 of the Revised Code shall identify any agency of the state that has the use and benefit of the real property as specified in section 5301.012 of the Revised Code.
Effective: January 8, 1979 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 115 – 112th General Assembly In pursuance of Article IV of the compact, as set forth in section 6161.01 of the Revised Code, there shall be five commissioners on the great lakes commission from this state. One of the commissioners shall be the director of the department […]
Effective: October 9, 1963 Latest Legislation: House Bill 415 – 105th General Assembly There is hereby granted to the great lakes commission and the commissioners thereof all the powers provided for in the great lakes basin compact set forth in section 6161.01 of the Revised Code and all the powers necessary or incidental to the […]