A. Sections 1-1-101 through 1-9-122 of this title shall be known and may be cited as the “Oklahoma Children’s Code”. B. All statutes hereinafter enacted and codified in this title shall be considered and deemed part of the Oklahoma Children’s Code. C. Article, chapter, and part captions are part of the Oklahoma Children’s Code, but […]
A. For the purposes of the Oklahoma Children’s Code, the Legislature recognizes that: 1. Parents have a natural, legal, and moral right, as well as a duty, to care for and support their children and such rights are protected by state and federal laws as well as the Constitution. To that end, it is presumed […]
The Attorney General, the district attorney of the appropriate district and any other law enforcement official having jurisdiction shall have the authority to bring civil actions against any person, officer or department, board, commission or other entity, to enforce the provisions of the Oklahoma Children’s Code, or to enforce any of the laws of this […]
When used in the Oklahoma Children’s Code, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. “Abandonment” means: a.the willful intent by words, actions, or omissions not to return for a child, or b.the failure to maintain a significant parental relationship with a child through visitation or communication in which incidental or token visits or communication are not […]
A. There is hereby created, to continue until December 31, 2018, the “Child Welfare Review Committee for the Death and Near Death of Children With Disabilities”. The purpose of the Committee shall be to study cases of the death and near death of children with disabilities who have previous child welfare involvement with or are […]
A. 1. The Department of Human Services shall establish a statewide centralized hotline for the reporting of child abuse or neglect to the Department. 2. The Department shall provide hotline-specific training including, but not limited to, interviewing skills, customer service skills, narrative writing, necessary computer systems, making case determinations, and identifying priority situations. 3. The […]
OS 10A-1-2-102v1 (HB 2491, Laws 2016, c. 130, § 1). OS 10A-1-2-102v2 (HB 3104, Laws 2018, c. 256, § 3).
A. 1. Upon receipt of a report that a child may be abused, neglected or drug-endangered, the Department of Human Services shall conduct a safety analysis. 2. The Department may employ or contract with active or retired social work, medical and law enforcement professionals who shall be strategically placed throughout the state to: a.provide investigation […]
A. 1. Upon receipt of a report that a child may be abused, neglected or drug-endangered, the Department of Human Services shall conduct a safety analysis. 2. The Department may employ or contract with active or retired social work, medical and law enforcement professionals who shall be strategically placed throughout the state to: a.provide investigation […]
A judge of the district court may request an investigation be conducted by the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation or other law enforcement agency in cases where the court reasonably believes that criminally injurious conduct including, but not limited to, physical or sexual abuse of a child has occurred. Added by Laws 2006, c. 205, […]
A. Any person who, in good faith and exercising due care, reports suspected child abuse or neglect, or who allows access to a child by persons authorized to investigate a report concerning the child shall have immunity from any liability, civil or criminal, that might otherwise be incurred or imposed. Any such participant shall have […]
A. 1. Any county office of the Department of Human Services receiving a child abuse or neglect report shall promptly respond to the report by initiating an investigation of the report or an assessment of the family in accordance with priority guidelines established by the Department. The Department may prioritize reports of alleged child abuse […]
At the initial time of contact with a person responsible for the health, safety, or welfare of a child who is the subject of an investigation pursuant to the Oklahoma Children’s Code, the Department of Human Services shall advise the person of the specific complaint or allegation made against the person. If the Department is […]
A. The Department of Human Services may provide information to a person or agency that provides professional services such as medical examination of or therapeutic intervention with a victim of abuse or neglect. This information may include, but is not limited to: 1. The investigative determination; or 2. The services offered and provided. B. The […]
A. There is hereby established within the Department of Human Services an information system for the maintenance of all reports of child abuse, sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, and neglect made pursuant to the provisions of the Oklahoma Children’s Code. B. The Children and Family Services Division of the Department shall be responsible for maintaining a […]
A. A parent subject to the provisions of this act shall not be prosecuted for child abandonment or child neglect under the provisions of any statute which makes child abandonment or child neglect a crime, when the allegations of child abandonment or child neglect are based solely on the relinquishment of a child thirty (30) […]
A. For a child in a voluntary foster care placement pursuant to an agreement between the parent, legal guardian or custodian of the child and the Developmental Disabilities Services Division of the Department of Human Services if the division determines that such child has been abandoned pursuant to the provisions of Section 1-4-904 of this […]
A. The Department of Human Services may, subject to available funding and in consultation with an evaluation team created pursuant to this section, create a pilot program to improve socioeconomic outcomes for children in state custody. B. If implemented by the Department, the pilot program shall: 1. Identify the populations of children in state custody […]
A. 1. Either parent or the court-appointed legal guardian of a child may authorize, in writing, any adult person into whose care the minor has been entrusted to consent to any: a.x-ray examination, b.anesthetic, c.medical or surgical diagnosis or treatment, d.hospital care, or e.immunization, blood tests, examinations, Guidance Services, and Early Intervention Services provided by […]
A. For purposes of this section: 1. “Routine and ordinary medical care and treatment” includes any necessary medical and dental examinations and treatment, medical screenings, clinical laboratory tests, blood testing, preventative care, health assessments, physical examinations, immunizations, contagious or infectious disease screenings or tests and care required for treatment of illness and injury, including x-rays, […]