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§7-11. Blind persons; canes, color.

No person, except those wholly or partially blind, shall carry or use on any street, highway, or in any other public place a cane or walking stick which is white in color, or white tipped with red. Laws 1949, p. 47, § 1.

§7-12. Duty of drivers of vehicles.

Any driver of a vehicle who knowingly approaches within fifteen (15) feet of a person who is in the roadway or at an intersection and who is wholly or partially blind and who is carrying a cane or walking stick white in color, or white tipped with red, or who is using a dog guide […]

§7-13. Penalty.

Any person, other than a person wholly or partially blind, who shall carry a cane or walking stick such as is described in this act, contrary to the provisions of this act, or who shall violate any of the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be […]

§7-15. Earned income disregarded in determining need of assistance.

The first Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) per month of earned income of a blind applicant for or recipient of assistance pursuant to the laws of this state administered by the Department of Human Services shall: 1. Not be deemed income or resources of such applicant or recipient; 2. Be disregarded in determining the need of […]

§7-16. Earned income defined – Deductions in determining.

Earned income of a blind applicant for or recipient of assistance, for the purposes of this act, shall be net remuneration for employment or self-employment of the applicant or recipient, including the cash value of all remuneration paid in any medium other than cash. Such earned income shall include all net income from salaries, wages, […]

§7-19.2. Penalty.

Any person, or persons, firm, association, or corporation, or the agent of any person, firm, association, or corporation, who shall violate the provisions of Section 19.1 of this title shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Laws 1968, c. 9, § 2, emerg. eff. Feb. 6, 1968; Amended by Laws 1985, c. 19, § 2, eff. […]

§7-22. Adult Blind Market Revolving Fund – Use – Expenditures.

There is hereby created in the State Treasury a revolving fund to be known as the Adult Blind Market Revolving Fund of the Oklahoma Public Welfare Commission to be administered by and under the direction of the Oklahoma Public Welfare Commission. Said fund shall consist of all appropriations made for such purpose and all net […]

§7-71. Activities to promote business opportunities – Vending facilities – Gambling.

A. For purposes of assisting blind persons to become self-supporting, the State Department of Rehabilitation Services is hereby authorized to carry on activities to promote business opportunities for individuals who are blind, including, but not limited to, the licensing and establishment of such persons as operators of vending facilities in public and other buildings. Facilities […]

§7-72. Definitions.

For purposes of Chapter 4 of this title: 1. “Vending facility” means automatic vending machines, cafeterias, snackbars, cart service, shelters, counters, and such other appropriate auxiliary equipment which may be operated by blind licensees and which is necessary for the sale of newspapers, periodicals, confections, tobacco products, food, beverages, and other articles or services dispensed […]

§7-78. State Committee of Blind Vendors.

There is hereby created a committee of five (5) vendors who are blind to be known as the State Committee of Blind Vendors. The Department of Rehabilitation Services shall provide for the biennial election of the Committee which, to the extent possible, shall be fully representative of all vendors who are blind in the state […]

§7-8. Special library services to blind and physically handicapped persons.

A. The state plan for library services shall be amended in accordance with the Federal Library Services and Construction Act and applicable regulations to reflect the authority and duty of the Division of Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired of the State Department of Rehabilitation Services to provide special library services, including braille and […]