§ 8921. Scope of subchapter. (a) General rule.–This subchapter shall apply only to peace officers of any state or political subdivision thereof which by its laws has made similar provision for the arrest and custody of persons closely pursued within the territory thereof. (b) Transmission of subchapter.–The Department of State shall certify and deliver a […]
§ 8922. Authority of officers of another state to arrest in this Commonwealth. Any peace officer of another state who enters this Commonwealth in close pursuit of a person, and continues within this Commonwealth in such close pursuit, in order to arrest him, shall have the same authority to arrest and hold in custody such […]
§ 8923. Hearing after arrest. If an arrest is made in this Commonwealth by an officer of another state, in accordance with the provisions of this subchapter, he shall, without unnecessary delay, take the person arrested before an issuing authority, who shall conduct a hearing for the sole purpose of determining if the arrest was […]
§ 8924. Construction of subchapter. This subchapter shall not be construed so as to make unlawful any arrest in this Commonwealth which would otherwise be lawful.