§ 8951. Definitions. The following words and phrases when used in this subchapter shall have, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the meanings given to them in this section: “Chief law enforcement officer.” The head of a duly constituted municipal law enforcement agency which regularly provides primary police services to a political subdivision or, in […]
§ 8952. Primary municipal police jurisdiction. Any duly employed municipal police officer shall have the power and authority to enforce the laws of this Commonwealth or otherwise perform the functions of that office anywhere within his primary jurisdiction as to: (1) Any offense which the officer views or otherwise has probable cause to believe was […]
§ 8953. Statewide municipal police jurisdiction. (a) General rule.–Any duly employed municipal police officer who is within this Commonwealth, but beyond the territorial limits of his primary jurisdiction, shall have the power and authority to enforce the laws of this Commonwealth or otherwise perform the functions of that office as if enforcing those laws or […]
§ 8953.1. Nonmunicipal police extraterritorial jurisdiction. (a) Power and authority.–In addition to a power and authority vested by law, a nonmunicipal police officer who is within this Commonwealth, but beyond the territorial limit of the jurisdiction established for the officer’s nonmunicipal police department by law, shall have the power and authority to enforce the laws […]
§ 8953.2. Agents of the Office of Attorney General. (a) Power and authority.–An agent of the Office of Attorney General as defined in paragraph (2) of the definition of “enforcement officer” in 71 Pa.C.S. § 5102 (relating to definitions), in addition to the power and authority vested by law, shall have the power and authority […]
§ 8954. Noncompliance with mandatory certification requirements. Any person employed as a municipal police officer who is subject to the mandatory certification requirements of the training law and fails to obtain the required certification from the Commissioner of the Pennsylvania State Police within the time limits provided by law shall cease to be empowered or […]
§ 8955. Interpretation. The powers, authorities, duties, obligations and jurisdiction under this subchapter shall not be subject to the requirements of 53 Pa.C.S. Ch. 23 Subch. A (relating to intergovernmental cooperation). (July 2, 2019, P.L.375, No.58, eff. imd.) 2019 Amendment. Act 58 added section 8955. See sections 4 and 5 of Act 58 in the […]