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Section 9802 – Definitions

§ 9802. Definitions. The following words and phrases when used in this chapter shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: “Board.” A county prison board, in counties of the first and second class, the Criminal Justice Coordinating Commission or its successor agency. “Commission.” The Pennsylvania Commission […]

Section 9803 – Purpose

§ 9803. Purpose. County intermediate punishment programs shall be developed, implemented and operated for the following purposes: (1) To protect society and promote efficiency and economy in the delivery of corrections services. (2) To promote accountability of offenders to their local community. (3) To fill gaps in local correctional systems and address local needs through […]

Section 9804 – County intermediate punishment programs

§ 9804. County intermediate punishment programs. (a) Description.–County intermediate punishment programs are restrictive conditions of probation imposed under section 9763(c) or (d) (relating to conditions of probation), which may be subject to guidelines adopted under section 2154.1 (relating to adoption of guidelines for restrictive conditions). (1) (Deleted by amendment). (2) (Deleted by amendment). (b) Eligibility.– […]

Section 9805 – Boards

§ 9805. Boards. (a) Duty of board.–To qualify for funding under this chapter, a board must develop a county intermediate punishment program plan to be submitted to the commission. (b) Joint judicial districts.–Where two counties comprise a joint judicial district, the counties may jointly submit a plan which shall require the concurrence of a majority […]

Section 9806 – County intermediate punishment plan

§ 9806. County intermediate punishment plan. (a) Requirement.–The board may develop a plan for the implementation and operation of intermediate punishment programs in the county. The plan shall provide for all of the following: (1) An assessment of available countywide correctional services and future needs. (2) A review of current sentencing procedures and the impact […]

Section 9807 – Commission

§ 9807. Commission. (a) Powers and duties.–The commission shall have the following powers and duties: (1) Subject to the provisions of subsection (b), to adopt rules and regulations pursuant to this act regarding: (i) The submission, review and approval of county intermediate punishment plans. (ii) Standards for the development, operation and evaluation of programs and […]

Section 9808 – Funding and audits

§ 9808. Funding and audits. (a) Eligibility.–Subject to the availability of funding, counties with approved plans shall be eligible for direct funding determined by the commission to support the cost of intermediate punishment programs. This chapter shall not be construed to prohibit the use of Federal funds. (b) Audit.–Annual reports and all financial records shall […]

Section 9809 – Prohibitions

§ 9809. Prohibitions. (a) General rule.–Recipients may not use funds granted under this chapter to supplant existing funds from the State or local government for existing correctional programs or for the construction, renovation or operation of a State, county or municipal incarceration facility. (b) Administrative costs.–Administrative costs connected with the expenditure of county intermediate punishment […]

Section 9810 – Continued eligibility

§ 9810. Continued eligibility. (a) Evaluation.–In order to remain eligible for county intermediate punishment funding, a county shall comply with commission standards and regulations and participate in an evaluation to determine program effectiveness. The form of the evaluation shall be determined by the commission and shall include certification by the Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing under […]

Section 9811 – Nonapplication of certain provisions

§ 9811. Nonapplication of certain provisions. The provisions of the act of July 12, 1972 (P.L.762, No.180), referred to as the Intergovernmental Cooperation Law, shall not apply to counties which jointly submit a plan under the provisions of this chapter. References in Text. The act of July 12, 1972, P.L.762, No.180, referred to as the […]

Section 9812 – Construction

§ 9812. Construction. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as creating an enforceable right in any person to participate in an intermediate punishment program in lieu of incarceration. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as requiring any county to appropriate funds for the implementation of an intermediate punishment program except as may be […]

Section 9813 – Work release or other court order and purposes

§ 9813. Work release or other court order and purposes. (a) Generally.–Notwithstanding any provision of law, if any offender has been sentenced to undergo imprisonment in a county jail for a term of less than five years, the court, at the time of sentence or at any time thereafter upon application made in accordance with […]