US Lawyer Database

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Section 9911 – Definitions

§ 9911. Definitions. The following words and phrases when used in this subchapter shall have the meanings given in this section unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: “ARD.” Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition. “Conditions of supervision.” Any terms or conditions of an offender’s supervision whether imposed by the court or an officer, including compliance with all requirements […]

Section 9912 – Supervisory relationship to offenders

§ 9912. Supervisory relationship to offenders. (a) General rule.–Officers are in a supervisory relationship with their offenders. The purpose of this supervision is to assist the offenders in their rehabilitation and reassimilation into the community and to protect the public. (b) Searches and seizures authorized.– (1) Officers and, where they are responsible for the supervision […]

Section 9913 – Peace officer power for probation officers

§ 9913. Peace officer power for probation officers. An officer is declared to be a peace officer and shall have police powers and authority throughout this Commonwealth to arrest, with or without warrant, writ, rule or process, any person on probation, intermediate punishment or parole under the supervision of the court for failing to report […]

Section 9914 – Meetings

§ 9914. Meetings. Notwithstanding section 6.1(h)(5) of the act of November 22, 1978 (P.L.1166, No.274), referred to as the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency Law, in lieu of requiring an offender who has been released on probation to appear in person at a meeting, a probation officer may utilize technology portals. (July 7, 2022, […]