RCW 11.32.010 Appointment. When, by reason of an action concerning the proof of a will, or from any other cause, there shall be a delay in granting letters testamentary or of administration, the judge may, in his or her discretion, appoint a special administrator (other than one of the parties) to collect and preserve the […]
RCW 11.32.020 Bond. Every such administrator shall, before entering on the duties of his or her trust, give bond, with sufficient surety or sureties, in such sum as the judge shall order, payable to the state of Washington, with conditions as required of an executor or in other cases of administration: PROVIDED, That in all […]
RCW 11.32.030 Powers and duties. Such special administrator shall collect all the goods, chattels, money, effects, and debts of the deceased, and preserve the same for the personal representative who shall thereafter be appointed; and for that purpose may commence and maintain suits as an administrator, and may also sell such perishable and other goods […]
RCW 11.32.040 Succession by personal representative. Upon granting letters testamentary or of administration the power of the special administrator shall cease, and he or she shall forthwith deliver to the personal representative all the goods, chattels, money, effects, and debts of the deceased in his or her hands, and the personal representative may be admitted […]
RCW 11.32.050 Not liable to creditors. Such special administrator shall not be liable to an action by any creditor of the deceased, and the time for limitation of all suits against the estate shall begin to run from the time of granting letters testamentary or of administration in the usual form, in like manner as […]
RCW 11.32.060 To render account. The special administrator shall also render an account, under oath, of his or her proceedings, in like manner as other administrators are required to do. [ 2010 c 8 § 2029; 1965 c 145 § 11.32.060. Prior: 1917 c 156 § 86; RRS § 1456; prior: Code 1881 § 1424; […]