RCW 19.30.010 Definitions—Exceptions from chapter. The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter unless the context clearly requires otherwise. (1) “Agricultural employee” means any person who renders, or has rendered, personal services to, or under the direction of, an agricultural employer in connection with the employer’s agricultural activity. (2) “Agricultural employer” means any person […]
RCW 19.30.020 License required—Duplicates. No person shall act as a farm labor contractor until a license to do so has been issued to him or her by the director, and unless such license is in full force and effect and is in the contractor’s possession. The director shall, by regulation, provide a means of issuing […]
RCW 19.30.030 Applicants—Qualifications—Fee—Liability insurance—Farm labor contractor account. (1) The director shall not issue to any person a license to act as a farm labor contractor until: (a) Such person has executed a written application on a form prescribed by the director, subscribed and sworn to by the applicant, and containing (i) a statement by the […]
RCW 19.30.040 Surety bond—Security. (1) The director shall require the deposit of a surety bond by any person acting as a farm labor contractor under this chapter to insure compliance with the provisions of this chapter. Such bond shall be in an amount specified by the director in accordance with such criteria as the director […]
RCW 19.30.045 Claim for wages—Action upon surety bond or security. (1) Any person, having a claim for wages pursuant to this chapter may bring suit upon the surety bond or security deposit filed by the contractor pursuant to RCW 19.30.040, in any court of competent jurisdiction of the county in which the claim arose, or […]
RCW 19.30.050 License—Grounds for denying. A license to operate as a farm labor contractor shall be denied: (1) To any person who sells or proposes to sell intoxicating liquors in a building or on premises where he or she operates or proposes to operate as a farm labor contractor, or (2) To a person whose […]
RCW 19.30.060 License—Revocation, suspension, refusal to issue or renew. Any person may protest the grant or renewal of a license under this section. The director may revoke, suspend, or refuse to issue or renew any license when it is shown that: (1) The farm labor contractor or any agent of the contractor has violated or […]
RCW 19.30.070 License—Contents. Each license shall contain, on the face thereof: (1) The name and address of the licensee and the fact that he or she is licensed to act as a farm labor contractor for the period upon the face of the license only; (2) The number, date of issuance, and date of expiration […]
RCW 19.30.081 License—Duration—Renewal. Farm labor contractors may hold either a one-year license or a two-year license, at the director’s discretion. The one-year license shall run to and include the 31st day of December next following the date thereof unless sooner revoked by the director. A license may be renewed each year upon the payment of […]
RCW 19.30.090 License—Application for renewal. All applications for renewal shall state the names and addresses of all persons financially interested either as partners, associates or profit sharers in the operation as a farm labor contractor. [ 1955 c 392 § 9.]
RCW 19.30.110 Farm labor contractor—Duties. Every person acting as a farm labor contractor shall: (1) Carry a current farm labor contractor’s license at all times and exhibit it to all persons with whom the contractor intends to deal in the capacity of a farm labor contractor prior to so dealing. (2) Disclose to every person […]
RCW 19.30.120 Farm labor contractor—Prohibited acts. No person acting as a farm labor contractor shall: (1) Make any misrepresentation or false statement in an application for a license. (2) Make or cause to be made, to any person, any false, fraudulent, or misleading representation, or publish or circulate or cause to be published or circulated […]
RCW 19.30.130 Rules—Adjustment of controversies. (1) The director shall adopt rules not inconsistent with this chapter for the purpose of enforcing and administering this chapter. (2) The director shall investigate and attempt to adjust equitably controversies between farm labor contractors and their workers with respect to claims arising under this chapter. [ 1985 c 280 […]
RCW 19.30.150 Penalties. Any person who violates any provisions of this chapter, or who causes or induces another to violate any provisions of this chapter, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more than five thousand dollars, or imprisonment in the county jail for not more than six months, or […]
RCW 19.30.160 Civil penalty—Hearing—Court action. (1) In addition to any criminal penalty imposed under RCW 19.30.150, the director may assess against any person who violates this chapter, or any rule adopted under this chapter, a civil penalty of not more than one thousand dollars for each violation. (2) The person shall be afforded the opportunity […]
RCW 19.30.170 Civil actions—Damages, costs, attorney’s fees—Actions upon bond or security deposit. (1) After filing a notice of a claim with the director, in addition to any other penalty provided by law, any person aggrieved by a violation of this chapter or any rule adopted under this chapter may bring suit in any court of […]
RCW 19.30.180 Injunctions—Costs—Attorney fee. The director or any other person may bring suit in any court of competent jurisdiction to enjoin any person from using the services of an unlicensed farm labor contractor or to enjoin any person acting as a farm labor contractor in violation of this chapter, or any rule adopted under this […]
RCW 19.30.190 Retaliation against employee prohibited. No farm labor contractor or agricultural employer may discharge or in any other manner discriminate against any employee because: (1) The employee has made a claim against the farm labor contractor or agricultural employer for compensation for the employee’s personal services. (2) The employee has caused to be instituted […]
RCW 19.30.200 Unlicensed farm labor contractors—Liability for services. Any person who knowingly uses the services of an unlicensed farm labor contractor shall be personally, jointly, and severally liable with the person acting as a farm labor contractor to the same extent and in the same manner as provided in this chapter. In making determinations under […]
RCW 19.30.902 Effective date—1985 c 280. This 1985 act shall take effect January 1, 1986. [ 1985 c 280 § 19.]