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24.36.010 – Short title.

RCW 24.36.010 Short title. This chapter may be cited as “The Fish Marketing Act”. [ 1959 c 312 § 1.]

24.36.020 – Declaration of purpose.

RCW 24.36.020 Declaration of purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to promote, foster, and encourage the intelligent and orderly marketing of fish and fishery products through cooperation; to eliminate speculation and waste; to make the distribution of fish and fishery products between producer and consumer as direct as can be efficiently done; and to […]

24.36.030 – Definitions.

RCW 24.36.030 Definitions. As used in this chapter: (1) “Fishery products” includes fish, crustaceans, mollusks, and marine products for human consumption. (2) “Member” includes members of associations without capital stock and holders of common stock in associations organized with shares of stock. (3) “Association” means any corporation organized under this chapter. [ 1959 c 312 […]

24.36.040 – Associations deemed nonprofit.

RCW 24.36.040 Associations deemed nonprofit. Associations shall be deemed “nonprofit”, inasmuch as they are not organized to make profit for themselves, as such, or for their members, as such, but only for their members as producers of fishery products. [ 1959 c 312 § 4.]

24.36.050 – General laws relating to corporations for profit applicable.

RCW 24.36.050 General laws relating to corporations for profit applicable. The provisions of Title 23B RCW and all powers and rights thereunder, apply to associations, except where such provisions are in conflict with or inconsistent with the express provisions of this chapter. [ 1991 c 72 § 45; 1959 c 312 § 5.]

24.36.060 – Securities act inapplicable.

RCW 24.36.060 Securities act inapplicable. No association is subject in any manner to the terms of chapter 21.20 RCW and all associations may issue their membership certificates or stock or other securities as provided in this division without the necessity of any permit from the director of licenses. [ 1983 c 3 § 27; 1959 […]

24.36.080 – Conflicting laws not applicable—Exemptions apply.

RCW 24.36.080 Conflicting laws not applicable—Exemptions apply. Any provisions of law which are in conflict with this chapter shall not be construed as applying to associations. Any exemptions under any laws applying to fishery products in the possession or under the control of the individual producer shall apply similarly and completely to such fishery products […]

24.36.090 – Merger, consolidation of associations authorized—Procedure.

RCW 24.36.090 Merger, consolidation of associations authorized—Procedure. Any two or more associations may be merged into one such constituent association or consolidated into a new association. Such merger or consolidation shall be made in the manner prescribed by RCW 23B.07.050 and chapter 23B.11 RCW for domestic corporations. [ 1991 c 72 § 46; 1983 c […]

24.36.100 – Stock associations—Statement in articles.

RCW 24.36.100 Stock associations—Statement in articles. If the association is organized with shares of stock, the articles shall state the number of shares which may be issued and if the shares are to have a par value, the par value of each share, and the aggregate par value of all shares; and if the shares […]

24.36.110 – Stock associations—Classified shares—Statement in articles.

RCW 24.36.110 Stock associations—Classified shares—Statement in articles. If the shares are to be classified, the articles shall contain a description of the classes of shares and a statement of the number of shares of each kind or class and the nature and extent of the preferences, rights, privileges and restrictions granted to or imposed upon […]

24.36.120 – Nonstock associations—Statement in articles.

RCW 24.36.120 Nonstock associations—Statement in articles. If the association is organized without shares of stock, the articles shall state whether the voting power and the property rights and interest of each member are equal or unequal; and if unequal the general rule or rules applicable to all members by which the voting power and the […]

24.36.130 – Bylaws of association.

RCW 24.36.130 Bylaws of association. Each association shall within thirty days after its incorporation, adopt for its government and management, a code of bylaws, not inconsistent with this chapter. A majority vote of the members or shares of stock issued and outstanding and entitled to vote, or the written assent of a majority of the […]

24.36.150 – Bylaws of association—Quorum, voting, directors, penalties.

RCW 24.36.150 Bylaws of association—Quorum, voting, directors, penalties. The bylaws may provide: (1) The number of members constituting a quorum. (2) The right of members to vote by proxy or by mail or both, and the conditions, manner, form and effects of such votes; the right of members to cumulate their votes and the prohibition, […]

24.36.160 – Bylaws of association—Fees, charges, marketing contract, dividends.

RCW 24.36.160 Bylaws of association—Fees, charges, marketing contract, dividends. The bylaws may provide: (1) The amount of entrance, organization, and membership fees, if any; the manner and method of collection of the same; and the purposes for which they may be used. (2) The amount which each member shall be required to pay annually, or […]

24.36.170 – Bylaws of association—Membership.

RCW 24.36.170 Bylaws of association—Membership. The bylaws may provide: (1) The number and qualification of members of the association and the conditions precedent to membership or ownership of common stock. (2) The method, time, and manner of permitting members to withdraw or the holders of common stock to transfer their stock. (3) The manner of […]