RCW 28B.108.005 Findings. The legislature recognizes the benefit to our state and nation of providing equal educational opportunities for all races and nationalities. The legislature finds that American Indian students are underrepresented in Washington’s colleges and universities. The legislature also finds that past discriminatory practices have resulted in this underrepresentation. Creating an endowed scholarship program […]
RCW 28B.108.010 Definitions. Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter. (1) “Eligible student” or “student” means an American Indian who is a student who demonstrates financial need, as defined in RCW 28B.92.030, who is a resident student, as defined by RCW 28B.15.012(2), who is a full-time student […]
RCW 28B.108.020 Program created—Duties of the office of student financial assistance—Screening committee. (1) The American Indian endowed scholarship program is created. The program shall be administered by the office. In administering the program, the office’s powers and duties shall include but not be limited to: (a) Selecting students to receive scholarships, with the assistance of […]
RCW 28B.108.030 Advisory committee. The office shall establish an advisory committee to assist in program design and to develop criteria for the screening and selection of scholarship recipients. The committee shall be composed of representatives of the same groups as the screening committee described in RCW 28B.108.020. The criteria shall assess the student’s social and […]
RCW 28B.108.040 Award of scholarships—Amount—Duration. The office may award scholarships to eligible students from moneys earned from the endowment fund created in RCW 28B.108.060, or from funds appropriated to the council for this purpose, or from any private donations, or from any other funds given to the council for this program. For an undergraduate student, […]
RCW 28B.108.060 Scholarship endowment fund. The American Indian scholarship endowment fund is created in the custody of the state treasurer. Funds appropriated by the legislature for the endowment fund must be deposited into the fund. (1) Moneys received from the office, private donations, state moneys, and funds received from any other source may be deposited […]